Page 89 of Catherinelle

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Yes, brother, I’m fucking your sister, and you might not like that. Worst thing? I don’t plan on stopping because I can’t go a minute without thinking about her.


“You barely spoke at dinner.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve offended Muse or your mother. This holiday shit doesn’t work for me. Where’s your woman anyways? I need to thank her for dinner.” It was the polite thing to do.

“She’s packing some left overs for you and Roman.”

“I’ll tell her I’m fine.” Lie. I was losing my fucking mind, and my dick was up twenty-four seven.

“Is that it?”


“Mustafa, you know that if you’re in trouble, you can come to me, right?”

Not this time, brother.

“Business is good.”

“I wasn’t talking about business.”

Fuck, could this be over already?

“What else would it be?” I said vaguely and shrugged.

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, your family is behind you.”

I nodded even if this discussion made me feel even more like a cock eating son of a bitch. My family? I had no family. I had an organization, but Gino Nucci was a fair boss. He always took care of his people and was loyal to those who were loyal to him.

To make everything worse, Cat walked around the corner with a champagne glass in her hands that was halfway empty and came to us.

“Gino, can I borrow your gorilla?” She pointed at me with a pout.

“Shut it off, Catherinelle. It’s Christmas. Hugo’s off duty.” He dismissed her, but I ignored it.

“What do you need?” I asked, sharper than I intended.

“I have a few things in my closet that need to be moved, and the boxes are too heavy.”

Her brother intervened again.

“You decided to clean your closet on Christmas night?”

“I need to make some space for the Christmas present you and Muse gave me.” She shrugged and turned to me. “Gino gave me the new Burberry spring collection. The entire collection. I can’t leave them in the boxes, they’ll wrinkle.”

“Fascinating.” The lack of interest in my voice was flagrant.

“Oh, come on, ogre, don’t be a jackass. Help me move it. I’m too short to reach the top shelf. Do that, and I’ll forgive you for manhandling me every time I refuse to do as you say.”

I frowned in her direction, but she only mirrored my grimace. She was quite an adversary.

“This is why the state doesn’t let you drink ‘till you’re twenty-one.” I grabbed the champagne glass from her hand and emptied it before putting it away. “You’re annoying as shit when you’re buzzed. Come on, show me what you need moved.”

She smiled, pleased with herself, and Gino shook his head.

“It can wait, Mustafa.”

“I’ll do anything to shut her up.”

“Just hang in there a week or two. I’m working on finding her new security detail. You’ll be free after that.”

Like hell I would. I was starting to think that I’d never be free again. Years from now, when she was her own woman, married off to some Capo, raising her kids and living her life, I’d be just a fucking shell, my spirit always trapped by her charm. Catherinelle Nucci was more permanent than the tattoos on my skin, and that was my fucking curse.
