Page 97 of Catherinelle

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He turned to call for Muse with his finger, and I didn’t argue anymore because my mouth couldn’t form words. That couldn’t be right. Hugo wouldn’t do that to me, but if he was drunk…

My stomach revolted against the idea, and I was dangerously close to losing my dinner on Patty’s living room floor. I needed to get out of there so I tracked down Bianca and went straight to her.

“B, I don’t feel good. Can I go to your room?”

“Sure. Hey, you are very pale, Cat? Can I get you anything?”

“No, I just need to lie down a second.”

“I’m coming with you, let’s go.”

I might have looked worse than I realized. I felt like shit, but I thought I was hiding it well. My body was aching; my mouth was watering because I was about to throw up, and my head was ready to explode. Oh, I hated this so much.

The moment we made it to her bedroom, I crawled in the middle of the bed and got in fetal position.

“Catherinelle, Jesus. Do you want me to go get your mom?”


“What happened? You were fine a minute ago.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled every drop of air in my lungs to calm down before talking.

“Hugo is in one of Gino’s clubs trying to get lucky with another woman.”

“No! Really?”

“That’s what my brother said.”

“Hugo? Is he crazy? It’s bad enough he’s sleeping with the boss’ sister, but now he wants to play you?”

“Calm down, Bianca, he wouldn’t. Not on purpose anyways, but he will drink his weight in bourbon, and I’ve seen the way women sniff him around.” Bitches! “I just want him here.”

“Oh, so he’s not…ok. Hey, how about I bring us a nice bottle of champagne from downstairs, and we get through tonight, huh? Mom lifted my two glass limit for the night.”

Here we go.


“Ugh, you feel that sick? It’s Dom Perignon.”

“No, I…I…B, can you keep a secret?”


“I think I’m pregnant.”

Bianca froze in place and time, her eyes round as two gigantic buttons. She didn’t move for a hundred and thirty-six seconds – I counted – and when she finally did, the hyperventilation started. I didn’t know what was happening to B, but it looked like an asthma attack.

“Holy motherfucking shitballs!” she said in one breath.

“Christ, Bianca, your mouth needs an exorcist.”

“Motherfucker cock sucking son of a bitch! He left you pregnant?”

I was still curled in a ball, barely reacting to her tantrum. It was the first time I had said it out loud, and it had left me a little numb. Was this good news? Was this bad news? I had no idea. I wanted kids, sure, but not now.

“Bianca, calm down.”
