Page 7 of Destined for Him

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“Well?” Finlay gazes at me and I give in, knowing that Kevin Langdon isn’t an option.

And even if it means I’m second choice to Finlay, at least I know I’ll have a good time.

Plus, he’s good-looking. The bad boy, the arrogant thief that I swore, was going to marry my best friend.

But when I meet his gaze, he gives me a smile that I can’t refuse.

I’m sick of being overlooked.

Maybe it’s time I had some fun.

“Sure, why not?”



I miss working with Griffin.

He kept me going throughout the day with his moodiness and banter, and now I’ve got nothing.

Well, there’s Jimmy and Steve, but they’re not my best friends. They’re not Griffin.

It’s only been six months since Griffin and Ivy moved to the city, but I feel lonely as fuck without them.

I’m forty-one—and I haven’t had a girlfriend for twenty-odd years. I get by just fine; I can cook and keep house, but when the night comes, I’m aware of how empty the house is. How cold my bed is.

I’ve got needs too, but I’ve kept any shenanigans I’ve had close to my chest, and so far it’s worked.

Except for the teacher, Miranda. She got too clingy and I couldn’t cope. Then when Melody, Griffin’s kid, and now my granddaughter, started in her class, I about died. Ivy ended up seeing the woman twice a day for five days a week.

But Miranda kept her word.

She didn’t say a thing.

Even though it’s not how women are built—to fuck without falling in love. I knew when she started suggesting staying overnight that she was into me, and I shut it down straight away.

Ivy was and will always be my priority.

I’m not sure how she ended up with my best friend, but Griffin is the greatest man I know.

She could’ve done a lot worse.

Now they’re expecting a baby.

I can’t fucking believe I’m going to be a grandpa again. I’ll be forty-two when the kid is born, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Finally, the working day ends with a clatter of tools hitting the ground and whoops from the men around me. I sigh and wave goodbye to the others, ignoring their requests to go to the bar.

No fucking way.

Because it’s the bar Shelby works at, and going there is pure blue ball suicide.

Fucking Shelby Garrett.

I’ve known her since she was young, and that’s just the fucking problem.

She’s not a kid anymore—she’s grown. Inallthe right places.
