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“I will, even if I must throw myself into the Mordvorren to do so,” he replies.

I arch an eyebrow. “I doubt things will become so drastic.”

“You’ve never seen a dragon in heat. My father told me stories—”

I cup my fingers over his mouth. “Stories I don’t need to hear right now.”

“Very well.” He moves back, creating separation between our bodies. I feel colder without him—empty and hungry. In a world darkened by the dismantling of everything I once knew, he is the one thing that can dispel the shadows.

It means more than I can say that he didn’t reject the game I suggested. In this, at least, our goals are aligned. Mine—to be taken out of myself, dominated by someone powerful, transported beyond any need to plan, escape, or even think. And his—to claim me completely and sate his primal need to reproduce. He doesn’t have to know that I’ve made the choice to neutralize his seed. It’s my body, and I will give him as much of it as I please, and no more.

With distance between us, Kyreagan still looks ravenous, but there’s a hint of uncertainty in his face. “I haven’t done this before.”

“I’ve only done it a couple of times,” I admit. “Don’t overthink it. Just like with walking and speaking, let your body take over. It knows what to do.”

He closes his eyes, tilts back his horned head, and draws in a long, slow breath. Something about the twitch of his claws and the tension of his shoulders lets me know that when he finishes exhaling, I’ll be done for. There will be no stopping him.

I suspect this is going to get rough, and since clothes are in such short supply, I’d rather he didn’t shred the pink dress I’m wearing. I pull it off hastily and toss it over with the rest of my belongings. I throw my shredded slippers in that direction as well. On quiet bare feet, I circle the huge nest and retreat deeper into the gloom at the back of the cave.

I won’t drag the game out too long. He has been in human form for a few hours now, and in another four or five hours he’ll have to switch back to his dragon shape. I’d like to be thoroughly sated by then. But I want him to work for it.

Kyreagan stands where I left him, eyes closed, but I see his nostrils widen a fraction. The corner of his mouth lifts. Even if I’m standing in the shadows, he can smell me. And the cave, though deep, offers no hiding places.

When he doesn’t make a move, I dip my hand between my thighs. Then I hold up my wet fingers.

I don’t have to wait long before a cold, damp breeze whirls through the cave, over the nest and back out again, skimming past Kyreagan and carrying the scent of my arousal right under his nose.

He leaps like a snarling panther, like liquid lightning. There’s no trace of awkwardness with his human limbs now—he is every bit a predator, caught in the frenzy of the hunt. He barrels around the nest and charges toward me faster than I expected, and the squeal of fright I emit is genuine as I dart away, barely avoiding his fingertips.

I circle the nest and pause on the other side, my eyes on him, breathless with anticipation. He pauses to remove his shirt—easy enough, since he didn’t bother to button it. The pants take longer, but he gets them undone and kicks them aside. I’ve seen him naked, but watching him approach, with that long, sinewy body of his, highlighted in the amber light, is more temptation than I was prepared to handle. I nearly give up on my plan to have him “force” me—my body is begging to submit. But then he hops lightly onto the nest and stalks across it toward me, and my instinct kicks in, warning me that I am prey, and that he is a hunter.

Slowly I back up, matching his measured pace, until I feel the mist of wind-driven rain against my bare back. I’m still well within the cave, nowhere near the dangerous edge, but Kyreagan checks his stride and says, “Careful, Princess.”

He’s right. At any moment, another gust of wind could circle through the cave—and not just a breeze this time, but a full-on gale, the arm of a hurricane reaching in to snatch me and carry me out to my death.

I give Kyreagan a devilish smile, and I take one more step back.

Alarm flares in his eyes. “Stop it, Serylla.”

Another step back.

“You little fool.” He bares his teeth and springs from the nest. “Obey me. Come away from there.”

“Make me.”

“You endangering yourself was never part of this game, you beautiful fucking trickster,” he says.

Another bracing burst of wind, and I gasp, thinking maybe I took this too far, after all. But the gust twirls around my bare body, peaking my nipples with its chill, then skims out of the cave again—no sucking force this time.

Kyreagan doesn’t wait to see how intense the gust will be. He’s on me in a half-second, whirling me around, shoving me farther back into the safety of the cave.

I dart away from him, but he catches my wrist, jerks me back against his body. A hollow groan rolls through him at the silken flow of my skin against his. He pins me with my spine to his chest, my ass against his upper thighs. His clawed hand squeezes my breast, while his other arm bands my waist.

“You’re fucking mine,” he growls, and I inhale a sharp breath because it’s his dragon-voice, deep and guttural, roaring up from the darkest crevices of his wild heart.

“No.” I twist my torso in his grip, and the points of his nails draw dots of blood from my flesh, in a half circle around my breast. The moment he senses the blood, he lets me go, and I scramble away.

But he’s on me again in a moment, seizing my arm and my thigh, slinging me bodily into the nest. The grass is soft, but a little scratchy, and I crawl forward on my belly as fast as I can, heading for the edge.
