Page 31 of Twenty-four Three

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“What did he tell you?”

“You were on your way out. The last six jobs you have lined up are connected to the six people who were at that meeting. Six people that were connected to your father, connected to the people killed because of what happened to your mother. Lono explained why it happened. Your father wanted out too. People like Jessup don’t let you walk away carrying their secrets with you. They got to your mother first. Your father was supposed to be next but he managed to reach a few of them before they could take him down.”

“Lono told you all this?”

Carter had always assumed but never knew. He also had no idea that Jessup and his circle were connected to his father. If that were true, for the past sixteen years Carter had been working for men who were responsible for him losing his family.

“Jessup is Lono’s uncle. They never intended for you to kill him. Jessup paid for the hit in hopes of killing you. If it didn’t work with Lono there would be five more attempts to follow. You’re good. They had to be strategic in finding an opportunity to reach you. Your last six jobs were supposed to be that. You weren’t walking away with their secrets either. They fucked up on the first because I was there. No one expected that. You work alone, Carter.”

With every word Brooks spoke, Carter’s blood heated, blazing through his veins with rage.

“Those muthafuckers set me up.”

“Yeah, they did, and no one knows where you are, which is making them nervous.”

They think I ran.

I don’t fucking run.

“Jessup called, pressing me about getting the job done. Now it makes sense why. He needed me to show my face,” Carter growled with awareness.

“We got a kill list, Carter.”

“Not we, Brooks. This isn’t on you. This is my shit.”

“Yeah, it’s yours but I’m telling you I’m in this with you. We have a kill list. This isn’t a quick or easy fix. I know you had plans, but those plans don’t mean shit right now if you care about her. You don’t know how much they know.”


McKenna had just become Carter’s liability. He brushed a hand over his head and let it fall back against the side of the house. Any thoughts he had of reconsidering things with her just ended.

“Come get me and bring me a hundred grand.”

“I’m on my way.”

Chapter Seven

When McKenna’s alarm blared from her nightstand at five a.m. she groaned and lifted a pillow, covering her face while she convinced herself it was best to get up now instead of hitting snooze like she wanted to.

She eventually sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed, swiping up the phone to silence the alarm. After a few minutes of trained focus, she managed to sluggishly move to the bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth.

“Coffee…” she mumbled to herself but the moment she stepped out of her room, her thoughts traveled across the hall and her feet followed. When she found the room empty, her stomach flipped with the reality that he was gone. She felt it in her bones but the minute she stepped into her living room she knew for sure. There was a man on her sofa but not the one she had hoped to see.

She froze and protectively wrapped her arms around her body.

“What are you doing here?”

“You can relax. I’m not going to hurt you, McKenna.”

“Then why are you here? Carter’s gone.”

Saying the words caused her chest to tighten and her throat to tense on the words.

“He asked me to deliver a message.”

“If Carter wanted me to know something, he could have told me himself. Why send you?”

“That’s not a question I can answer for you.”
