Page 40 of Flurry

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“Your father has been so sick, who would take care of him?”

“Any number of family members can check up on him while he drinks himself to death.”

“He’s not their responsibility,” she argues.

“He’s not yours either. This was his choice. Make your own. If not for you, for Callie.”

“Callie loves him.”

“Callie is terrified of him, Mom. I’ll remind you that if he hurts her in any way, I’ll fight legally to get her here with me.” My father has been known for an occasional drunken fit of rage. When I was younger, he directed them at me. Now, my mother takes the brunt of them. It’s surprising Callie hasn’t been caught up in one, but I know my mom tries hard to protect her from them.

“She can’t go without me.”

“Then come with her. You’d both love it here. It’s beautiful with the water, the mountain, and all the trees. Plus, we don’t get five feet of snow every year here.” That gets a small laugh out of her because she hates winters in Minnesota. “Please.”

“I’ll… I’ll try.”

It’s the best I’ve ever gotten out of her, even if I don’t believe it. The past couple of days have been the best in my life. I’m playing the game I love on the highest level. Outside of work, I have Willa and Damian. I won’t let my mother’s judgment or her lack of action damper my mood. Not when I know it’s all for my father’s sake anyway.

When I get to Damian’s, food in hand, it’s Willa who answers the door.

“Hi,” she says with a huge smile brightening her face. It’s the kind that makes her eyes sparkle, my favorite kind.

“Hi back,” I tell her, then lean down to kiss her. I mean for it to be a small gesture of hello, but she tastes too good, and I step closer, keeping it going. The bag of food is lifted out of my hand, I assume by Damian, but I don’t stop to check. Dropping my backpack, I use my free hands to cup her ass and haul her up, while she wraps her legs around my waist.

“I like how you say hello these days,” she tells me when I finally let her up for air.

“Good, get used to it.”

“Yes, sir,” she says and fuck if that doesn’t go straight to my cock.

“Hungry,” I ask, walking her into the kitchen and dropping her pretty ass on the island.

“Famished. Damian hasn’t fed me all day.”

“Lies,” he protests. “You’ve ate everything I had in my kitchen.”

“Which was an apple and snack pack the size of M&M’s,” Willa says. “How do you survive?”

“Takeout and delivery, like any civilized college student.”

Damian has told me how much he likes Willa and how well they get along, but this is my first time witnessing just how well. There’s something comforting about their banter, like they’re old friends or a couple that’s been together for years.

“How was practice,” she asks me as he works on setting out plates and silverware.

“Good. Cill took the ice,” I say.

“Oh good, that’s a relief,” she says. “And also annoying that Isla didn’t let me know.”

“She was at the Iceplex today with some camp kids, and your mom has Sadie.”

“I’ll forgive her then, since she had a busy day. Mostly only because I can smell the food and my hangry self is dropping rapidly knowing I’m about to stuff my face,” she teases. “The Edmonton game’s on if you want to go watch. I can dish you a plate.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I offered, big guy. Go, take a load off.”

Taking her up on the offer, I kick off my shoes and get comfortable. She knew I’d want to watch this game because Edmonton is only one game ahead of us in the standings and we play them twice in the next few weeks. It’s something I’d expect from Isla, she often spent time with me watching other teams play. It shouldn’t surprise me that Willa is so in tune with my life, but I didn’t expect it.
