Page 71 of Calder

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“Like you wouldn’t fucking believe, man. She still hasn’t met Kane yet. Even though she does check on him via texts and when we talk on the phone. She has been busy getting a baby shower resin order done this week, so she hasn’t had much free time.”

“Do you think it is an excuse not to meet him, or has she been truly busy?” Travis asks, cocking a brow at me.

I am cut off before I can answer.

“For your information, I have been up to my neck in orders. Fuck you very much,” comes a pissed off Kitten behind me.

Turning my head to glance over my shoulder, I see Kady standing there looking hot as fuck but pissed as hell. She’s dressed in soft looking sage green pants, that she has rolled up around her ankle, a thin black strap camisole top with a very sexy dip between her breasts.

Her gold sandals make up the outfit as do the gold chunky bracelets she is wearing and the long necklace that falls down the middle of her chest.

Smirking at her, I jerk my head telling her to come closer and sit next to me, so I drag the chair until it is touching mine.

I see her gaze flit between my face and the baby, swallowing a few times before she moves and sits next to me.

“Lips, baby,” I mutter to her.

Everyone at the table hears, but I don’t give a flying fuck. They need to know that she is mine.

She looks at me.

Her eyes glass over, like she is greedy for my lips.

I love that I did that to her.

Leaning in, she kisses me.

Her lips feel like heaven on mine. A jolt moves through my body, down my spine and straight to my balls. The kind of electrical sizzling feeling that has me moving closer, keeping Kane close to my chest.

Kady fits me. It is like every time I kiss her I feel content. How fucking cheesy is that shit?

I’d love nothing more than to pull her into my lap, sink my fingertips into her plush ass and rock her over my dick until we both come.

A cry comes from between us, and I pull my lips away to look down at Kane, who is now wide awake, eyes wide open looking up at me. My hand moves down his little body and my heart fucking jolts. I swear to fuck it skips a beat seeing Kady’s hand on his back.

It is like she made the final connection between us. And fuck me, my heart likes it. Hell, my dick likes it. She is finally giving in.

I kiss her lips once more, before smiling at her.

“Baby steps, Kitten.”

“Literally.” She nods to my son.

“UNCLE CALDER!” gets bellowed by Adley coming into the room, and Kane jumps before letting out a cry.

“Can I?” Kady tentatively asks me, her hands open, offering to take Kane from me.

My heart does that girly floppy shit in my chest as I hand him over to her. She takes him like a pro, supporting his head and back.

I sit for a few seconds watching my woman with my son, and I really like it. Fuck me, who would have thought that I would have a kid and a woman, ever?

Two hands slap down on my forearms, dragging my attention from my woman and my kid. Adley smiles up at me, her mouth covered in a red ring from the ice pop she has been eating.

“You know that the food goes in your mouth, right, not around it?” I tap her nose.

“You know I am five, almost six, right?” she replies in a ‘duh’ tone.

“I hope that my little man learns to eat better than you,” I snark back.
