Page 69 of Exiled

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He shrugged, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Depends on how you look at it."

I straightened up in my chair, focusing my full attention on him. "What's going on?"

"Stephen reached out to me," he said, leaning against the doorframe as he rubbed a hand over his face tiredly. "He's found some links between my dad and some guys in his network. Should be easy enough to take them down now.”

“He must be relieved,” I said. “After we ruined his op.”

Sam laughed, then his expression got serious. “He wants to recruit me.”

“What?” Sofia asked.

“Yeah, the cop thing didn’t work out so…maybe the FBI will.”

"Are you considering it?" Sofia asked, her eyes wide as she chewed her bottom lip nervously.

Sam shrugged, looking oddly calm considering the weight of the decision he was being asked to make. "I'm thinking about it. It would give me a chance to do some real good." He glanced at me, a hint of uncertainty flashing in his eyes. "What do you think?"

I took a moment to consider my words carefully before I spoke. "I think it's a brave choice," I said honestly, earning a surprised glance from Sam. "And if you believe you can do more good there than you can here...then go for it."

Sam nodded, a small smile playing on his lips as he let out a sigh of relief. "I was hoping you'd say that," he admitted, pushing off the wall and moving to join us at the kitchen island.

"We knew this was coming eventually," Sofia added, giving Sam an encouraging smile. She reached out to squeeze his hand, a silent show of support that warmed my heart. No matter what happened, our bonds were unbreakable.

"Yeah," Sam agreed, returning Sofia's grin with one of his own. "It's just...a lot to take in."

"Change is always scary, but it can also be exciting," I chipped in, leaning back in my seat and crossing my arms over my chest. "The start of a new chapter, you know?"

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Sam agreed, pushing his chair back and rising to his feet. “Speaking of that. How are you two doing?”

I glanced at Sofia, a knowing smile playing on my lips as I reached out to squeeze her hand across the table. She was my rock, my everything. "We're doing good," I replied honestly, looking back at Sam. "Really good."

He raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips as he looked between Sofia and me. "Just 'good'?" he teased.

"Okay," I amended with a chuckle, running a hand through my hair. "Better than good. Amazing."

"That's more like it," Sam said, his expression softening around the edges. "I'm happy for you guys. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Sofia's grip on my hand tightened as she beamed at Sam. I could tell how much his words meant to her, and it warmed my heart. Her father had made her life hell for so long, but we were fighting back and winning.

I was about to respond when Sam beat me to it. “And don’t think for a moment that I’m not grateful for everything you’ve done for me too,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. “Both of you.”

“We’re all in this together, Sam,” I replied. “We’ve been through hell, and we came out the other side stronger than before. We’re not just friends… we’re family.”

“Oh, God,” Sam groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically. “You're going to make me cry.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Sofia joined in, her laughter filling the room and making it feel warmer somehow. It was infectious.

Sam chuckled too, shaking his head at us. “Okay, okay,” he said, raising his hands in defeat. “I get it. You love each other. It’s gross. I actually came here to find Victor. He said he’d work out with me today so…”

“Yeah, he’s in the gym,” I said.

"Thanks," Sam said, shooting us a quick wave before he disappeared down the hallway.

There was a moment of silence after he left the room, and then Sofia turned to look at me, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and fondness. "You really think he'll join the FBI?" she asked, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

I shrugged, taking a sip from my coffee. "Maybe. It might be good for him. Give him some direction, keep him out of trouble."

Sofia chuckled at that, her hand reaching out to rest on mine. "You really care about him, don't you?"
