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“And trying to would be ill-advised,” she teases.

“Since I can’t convince you to let me join you, do you mind telling me where you plan on going?”

“I don’t have a plan,” she admits. “I figured I’d just wander around and take some pictures for my website.”

“Like the ones you were taking last night?” I ask, relishing the way she blushes and squirms in her seat.

“No,” she giggles, turning her sparkling eyes to me. “I really like the architecture in this neighborhood. I might make a blog post about it.”

“You’ll have to send me the post when you get it up,” I say.

She promises she will, then listens to me with rapt attention as I tell her everything I know about the buildings in the surrounding blocks. Once our plates are cleared, I take them and wash them while Alexis showers. After she’s dressed, she stops in the kitchen to say goodbye, and I give her a five-minute head start before throwing on a big hoodie I don’t care about and an old Cubs baseball cap and taking off after her.

When I get to the lobby, I ask the concierge which direction she went when she left. With that piece of information, I head onto the street.

It takes me about ten minutes to spot her. She’s standing out of the way, camera held to her face as she photographs one of the older buildings on the street. Bikes whizz past and men stare at her as they walk by, but she doesn’t seem to notice. She’s so busy looking up at the beautiful historical buildings that she hasn’t looked around long enough to see the cracked pavement or the trash in the gutters. I was right; I should keep my eye on her.

I don’t know what it is about the situation. Maybe it’s the way she looks or the fact that she has no idea that I’m watching her, but my cock twitches to attention. I weave through the crowd in an attempt to get closer to her.

Once I get about fifteen feet from her, I hang back, observing her as she checks the photo she took before moving on. She turns the corner, heading past a couple little breakfast joints and coffee shops.

Careful to keep from attracting anyone’s attention, I follow her as closely as I dare. The rush is indescribable, and the more she explores, the more I realize that this wasn’t really about her safety. I just love having her in my sight.

Alexis stops at a street vendor after a few hours of wandering around to order herself lunch. She makes small talk with the man running the cart, but I’m not close enough to make out what she’s saying. What I do make out is the leer on the vendor’s face every time she looks away long enough for him to leer at her chest.

I feel heat rise up my neck. Even though I know it’s a risky move, I slip through the throngs of people in an attempt to get within earshot.

Unexpectedly, she whips around, and I have to turn to keep her from seeing my face. My heart pounds in my ears, and I’m worried I’ve been caught. A beat passes, and she doesn’t approach me. When I turn to look at her again, she’s walking away.

After that close call, I’m more careful and stay back a little further. Every once in a while, Alexis casts a look over her shoulder. I can tell she’s suspicious, and maybe she thinks she’s being followed.

Somehow, that makes the chase even more exciting to me. I thank God my hoodie is a size too big because it covers my painfully hard cock.

I trail her for another hour, savoring each nervous look she throws in my direction. Eventually, she starts heading back toward my apartment. I consider breaking off and using a shortcut to get home before her, but I can’t stand the idea of Alexis leaving my sight for even a minute.

The looks over her shoulder get more and more frantic the closer we get to my place. My breathing quickens, and I feel like I’m a predator hunting his prey. I want to pounce, claim her as my own, but I know better. I remember her hesitancy from last night. There’s no reason to scare her off, not so soon.

When she disappears inside the lobby, I duck into an alley next to my building. Immediately, I shed the cap and the hoodie, leaving them in a crumpled pile. My dick is still pressing against the front of my jeans, and I know I can’t face Alexis like this.

After looking around to confirm I’m alone, I unzip my pants and push them out of the way. I wrap my hand around my length, spreading the precum that’s already coming out of the tip. I grit my teeth and work myself furiously. Stalking Alexis has me so riled up that it doesn’t take very long until I’m spilling my seed over my fist.

I wipe my hand off on the discarded jacket before tucking myself back into my jeans. After adjusting my clothes, I leave the alley. I’m still catching my breath as I go back into the lobby. While I wait for the elevator, I put together my alibi. I need to make sure that Alexis doesn’t know I’m the one who was following her.

Chapter 4


When I get back to Jacob’s apartment, I go straight to his office to try to find him. I noticed someone following me on my walk, and it really shook me up. He’s probably going to tell me that he told me so, but I don’t care. I need some sort of comfort right now, and even though we just reconnected yesterday, Jacob makes me feel safe.

He isn’t in his office, and I try not to panic about it. I go to check his bedroom, knocking on the door before I fling it open. Jacob isn’t there, either.

I’m not sure why, but I start freaking out at the realization that I’m here alone. It's so unlike me, but all I could think about as the stranger was following me was getting back here and telling Jacob about the awful experience. The fact that I can’t hits almost as hard as when I realized there was someone on my trail.

Fighting back tears, I go to the living room and settle onto the couch. I think about putting something on, but as I scroll through all of his streaming apps, nothing catches my attention. Instead, I decide to take some deep, steadying breaths while I wait for my stepbrother to get back from wherever he is.

About ten minutes later, Jacob walks through his front door, and I fling myself into his arms. He makes a noise of surprise as he immediately returns my embrace. We stay like that for almost an entire minute, not speaking to each other. Then Jacob pets my hair and asks, “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” I say into his chest, already feeling more grounded now that he’s here. “I just thought someone was following me earlier. It really freaked me out.”
