Page 202 of Wrecking Love

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“What the fuck are you doing here? Besides eating my food,” I asked.

“I’m here to split you like a fucking log.” Lane fucking licked the juice off his knife as if he hadn’t just said the words he’d said.

“Can you not say shit like that?” I replied. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

“I can. Apple?” Tell me why the fuck I took the goddamn apple off the knife when he held it in my direction again?

“Damn it, Lane!” I exclaimed. “Stop feeding me.”

“You know an apple a day keeps the doctor away or some shit like that,” he said. “I don’t actually know if that shit works, considering I’m immortal and all, but you’re not.”

“I know,” I growled.

“Come on, wolf boy. We got work to do.”

I didn’t follow him as he started for the back door. Instead, I grabbed the little counter notepad Genevieve kept and scribbled a note for her. I felt Lane’s presence as he stared over my shoulder.

“Is your wife stupid?” Lane asked. A deep growl vibrated in my chest.

“Talk about my wife that way one more time,” I threatened. And what? What the fuck would I do? Fight him? Kill him? Fat fucking chance. The man would wipe the floor with me and then probably feed me to his cannibal associates.

“Your note says you’re going for a run, but you just showered—I can smell your soap on you,” he commented. “I’m assuming the bathroom shows signs of being used this morning, including your wet towel. So, do you take showers and then go running? Is your wife stupid enough to believe that?”

I stared at the note. Fuck, he was right. And no, Genevieve wouldn’t believe that, even if she said nothing about it. Begrudgingly, I tore off the sheet and tossed it in the trash. Lane whistled behind me as he watched me write.

“Bring a jacket if you’re going to go for a walk,” he stated. “It’s cold out there, and you want to sell the fucking story.”

“I hate you,” I muttered. Not really.

We walked right into the hazy woods. I led the way with Lane whistling a happy little tune behind me. I skipped the first clearing because it was too close to home—this was going to get messy and Genevieve would’ve heard us. The second clearing was cramped in space but far enough away. It’d fucking do.

“And why are you taking your pants off?” Lane asked when he caught me unbuttoning my jeans.

“Because the last time we did this, you made me piss myself,” I said and kicked off my boots. “I’m not walking around town looking like that.”

He made a small sound but said nothing. I tracked him as he drew a sharp barrier with magic to surround us. What for? Who fucking knew. I certainly didn’t. Lane liked his fucking barriers and borders and boundaries and shit. That was his fucking thing, and I knew better than to ask questions. I just kept fucking silent as I piled my clothes under a tree.

“In the middle,” he orders, gesturing with his knife for me to stand where he wanted. Fuck, I must’ve been a goddamn sight—standing in my fucking boxers in the middle of the fucking woods while some tall ass motherfucker stalked circles around me.

“That’s sanitary, right?” I asked when a black blade materialized in his hand, its blade at least six inches long if not longer.

“Worried you might catch something, Killian?” Lane smirked. “That’s fucking cute. That’s the last thing you need to worry about.”

He circled me, head cocked and a fucking grin on his face. My skin prickled with the irrefutable sense of danger I was in. My wolf pressed to the surface, and I grappled to hold it back because I wasn’t truly in trouble no matter how fucking terrifying Lane was.

He fisted the back of my hair hard, making me wince, and came to stand in front of me. The tip of his knife tapped against my nose as he leaned down close.

“Now, you and me, we’re going to get along this time,” he said without an ounce of amusement in his voice. “No bullshit or I’ll break every bone in your fucking body, you got it?”

“I haven’t done shit yet,” I snapped.

“I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to the beast,” he replied. My wolf growled, and I couldn’t control it. “That’s the shit I’m talking about.”

“He doesn’t like you.”

“He doesn’t have to like me, but he will respect me,” Lane snarled. The hand in my hair tightened as magic clouded his eyes. “And as for you, think fucking happy thoughts. It’s a trip. You know that. I don’t have a clue how long you’ll be under. It would suck to be trapped in a fucking nightmare. Don’t fucking fight me or I will tie your pretty little self down, leave the knife alone, and try not to piss yourself.”

Before I could say a word, he plunged the blade straight into my heart. I gasped at the shock of it, even though I knew it was coming. The pain of the knife was nothing compared to the surge of magic that raced straight to my soul and fucking ripped me apart.
