Page 13 of Secrets of Alkrose

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How long has it been now… Nekane said six years, but somehow it feels much longer than that. My memories are blurry and drenched with blood. It’s hard to pick everything apart and lay it out exactly as it should be.

But I remember enough.

Six long tables extend through the massive room, one for each class. Technically there are seven strains, but due to the shortage of Solas Shadows, the few we do have room with Cosmos. The Nova table has been empty since myself and my comrades used it. My eyes linger where we shared many meals and conversations.

There used to be so many more people by my side. We all learned the hard way why it is important to let the Shadows take hold. To seal away the pain.

I take my seat at the head of the room next to Kallos; Nekane sits on his other side. Headmaster Emerai sits in the center, watching as the students filter in. Long ribbons of cloth lie across the ridiculously long tables, white with gold slivers of thread that dance into intricate thorns and vines placed as centerpieces.

The scent of roasted meats and bread fills my nostrils. The Culling Assessment is always followed by a great feast. Cruelness followed with generous accommodations for the survivors. Step one in brain-fucking these idiots.

“You look like shit.”

I tilt my head to look at Kallos; he watches me with that calm, sardonic expression he always has. So nonchalant and carefree.

“I’ve been up for three days. Of course I look like shit.” I close my eyes and try to think if I’ll sleep tonight or not. There are reports to file and it’s difficult to rest when Cein is upset. I consider myself a man to fear, but Cein is far more… creative than I am when it involves punishment.

“Care for a drink? I can whip you up a potion that can help with the looking-like-shit part,” Kallos offers dryly. Nekane nudges him to let him know he wants one too.

“Sure,” I mumble. I sense Arthur’s grim presence enter the room and slowly open my eyes to see the Nova House students filtering in.

The room hushes as the other students take notice of the sixth House they’ve yet to meet. Arthur walks like liquid smoke down the center aisle. To his left is the Cosmos House, and to his right is the empty table for the Nova House.

I straighten as I watch them walk in, looking a bit too eagerly for one in particular. I quickly disregard anyone who isn’t her.

My heart clenches the moment I find her.

She’s wearing her black tactical gear and a magnificent white cloak, the same as I wear. Her dark brown hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, still reaching halfway down her back in beautiful rich waves. Her eyes flicker with awe as she takes in the mess hall, then her gaze lands on me and I steel my face to not give anything away.

I’m experiencing that strange, fluttering feeling in my chest when she looks at me again. It’s different than before and a bit painful. Do I miss her? Fuck, I need to stop thinking so much.

I glance away casually, looking for her brother, who callously greeted her in the foyer this morning. My search stops the second I see his sinister green eyes boring holes into mine. His power seethes from his skin like a mist evaporating off a lake, invisible to most, but well-trained soldiers like me can see it. Kallos stiffens next to me and Nekane utters a curse beneath his breath.

“What the fuck is that?” Kallos says in a low, dangerous tone.

“My mate’s brother.”

They both lean over to look at me, but I keep staring at Edgar. The evil inside that young man makes Velis coil uncomfortably inside my spine. I know then that Arthur’s suspicions were right. This is the Shadow we’ve been searching for.


A girl with white hair pulls Edgar’s attention away and all the tendrils of hate in the atmosphere dissipate.

“We’ll need to have that one contained quickly.” Nekane leans back in his chair. “Possibly your mate too, if she’s his sister. Sibling Novas are?—”

“Volatile,” I finish for him. Both he and Kallos grunt their agreement. “I’m sure Arthur is already twisting his little strings of memories to keep him in check.”

Arthur makes his way through the tables and sits next to me. Emerai starts his speech but I’m much more interested in all the things I’ve missed during my time away.

Arthur seems to pick up on my heavy stare and looks over at me. His eyes are dull and he looks tired, but there’s a light within him that I haven’t seen since… well, since before they were captured in Fernestia all those years ago.

“Arthur, that boy—” I start, but he lifts his hand calmly.

“I know. Trust me, I know. I held his tainted memories for weeks.” He looks down at his table of Novas, small in number, but the power in the few is far superior to the rest. “He has darkness inside his heart as well as his Shadow.”

I study Arthur’s expression. He’s always been the emotional one out of us all, but his eyes are betraying far too much today. Has Edgar gotten under his skin somehow?

“Is he going to be a problem? I’ll move the blight class to tomorrow morning.” I write down a note to give to Emerai after the banquet. The report on my excursion will have to wait.
