Page 50 of Secrets of Alkrose

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Finn’s brows pinch together and he leans back on the couch. “So, Edgar can’t use his powers at all?”

Corvus shakes his head. “In theory, no. But I can still sense it lingering just beneath his skin. Honestly, he’s dangerous. I think Kallos made a good decision, but I don’t think it’s going to hold his Shadow as long as they were hoping.” Corvus looks at me with sympathy and regret. “Terra, I saw what his Shadow can do with minimal effort and it’s fucking horrifying.”

Raine side glances at me before firming his lips. “So? What do you want us to do about it?” he says indifferently. Corvus holds Raine’s cold stare. I can’t fight the chill of his harsh words. That’s my brother.

“There’s something wrong with him. I think you should try to talk to him and convince him to not let his Shadow further into his soul. I have a really bad feeling about it. I think there’s a way we can help him in the next exam without using his powers.”

I process that information silently. Based on what I overheard Arthur and Elias talking about—the Blood Crowns exam—I doubt he stands any fucking chance without his powers. Even if his Shadow is malevolent, he needs it to survive. We all do.

I stand. Raine is at my side in a moment and I nod at Corvus. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll see what I can do.” My throat is rough from the emotions I’m keeping back. Finn looks at me with silent concern. I smile at him. “Thanks for helping us tonight. I’ll let you know what we find tomorrow.”

The three of them look adrift as we leave. If what Corvus said is true, not only do I need to talk to Edgar about his Shadow, but I need to figure out how he’s going to survive the exams as well.

Fuck. Everything just keeps piling up higher and higher.

Raine waits until we’re crossing the icy bridge before he says anything. “It’s not a match.”

“Huh?” I look up at him, confused. He smiles at my knack for getting lost in thought. The only nice thing that’s happened tonight is that Raine is feeling better.

“The notes, they don’t match. So who’s left?”

“Arthur and Nekane—oh, and I think we should check the headmaster too. It has to be one of them,” I say with little hope. We could just be chasing ghosts here. What if the person who wrote that note died a long time ago? “I saw an old picture in Kallos’s office. A group of students. We can pick up from there if we don’t find a match.”

Raine shrugs. “Good recon work. If we ever get out of here I’ll make you my lieutenant.” His voice is cheerful and light but I can’t find the energy to be jovial. I lean into him and he wraps his arm around me. “You’re awfully mopey tonight.”

“No shit.” I laugh because it’s not funny at all.

My brother is losing his mind, my ex-boyfriend is helping me save someone I cherish dearly from his death sentence, and my Shadow Mate, who is very much the enemy, has my heart twisted tightly in his grasp. Now toss in the mystery of what the Blood Crowns are.

I sigh, letting my brain shed some of the stress.

Before we reach the doors to the Nova House, they swing open and Edgar comes stalking out.

Something’s wrong with him.



Raine freezes and flashes me a surprised look as Edgar stalks by as if he doesn’t even see us.

I hold my hand up to Raine to let him know I’ll handle it and chase after Edgar. He’s fast but I reach him before he gets to the halfway point on the bridge. I place my hand on his shoulder and he turns on me with surprising speed. His eyes are practically glowing turquoise in the moonlight.

My legs instinctively carry me a few steps back. His skin is pale, eyes wider than they should be, and his teeth are grit together hard. There’s a vicious light in his gaze, one I don’t recognize at all.

“What?” he says cruelly.

“Edgar… what’s going on with you?” I try to shake the fear that’s rising inside me and replace it with calm and care for him. My Shadow isn’t helping; it thrashes uncomfortably inside my chest as if he’s a threat. A darkness rolls over my skin in his presence. The cast was supposed to keep his power contained, but he feels like a caged animal trying desperately to escape. Perhaps he is dangerous. He certainly looks it with his light brown hair lashing wildly in the breeze, those glowing eyes bore holes into my soul.

Edgar observes me for a second before smiling unpleasantly. It’s ominous and cold—something I’ve seen cross Elias’s face when he’s going berserk. “Nothing, I’m perfectly fine.” His voice is scratchy and crooked.

“Really? Because you don’t look fine, Edgar,” I say with worry eroding my voice. “Have you been speaking with your Shadow? I think you need to stop, you look… You look—” My eyes trail him up and down, taking in his frail state.

“I look what?” he says slowly in a monotone voice.

I stiffen my resolve. “You look like you’re losing your fucking mind.”

He dramatically looks down at his body and back up at me. My entire spine chills with the sinister energy in his eyes. “You think I’m losing my mind?” he says with that fucking eerie smile. “How about I help you find yours, Terra.”
