Page 44 of Hammer

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“But you need to work. What about your big job?” I ask.

Quinn lifts her laptop case. “Right here,” she says. “All I need in one little bag. Is it okay to set up on the coffee table? Today’s an easy day. I just have to be available for questions as they go through the reports I’ve submitted.”

“Yes, of course,” I reply. I know she’s here to keep me sane while Hammer is off slaying my dragon, who goes by the name of Jessop Cannington. I feel guilty for taking her away from her work. “Quinn, you don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do. This is what we’re all about. I’m happy to be here. I was in a car accident when Priest and I first met, and within hours of being home, some of the guys and their wives were there to help. At first, I felt a little strange because I didn’t know them very well, but they just went with it, so I did too.” Quinn takes my icy-cold hand in hers. “You’re an amazing person, Francesca. I’m so glad we’ll have a chance to get to know one another better. So, what are we going to do first? I vote for popcorn and girl movies. Ooh, and throw in some chocolate if you’ve got some,” she says with excitement.

My lips form a grin. “I have chocolate.” Quinn smiles bigger.

“Let’s get at that, then.” She clasps her hands together.

We watch movies and eat junk food. It helps, but I can’t stop wondering how Hammer is doing and what’s happening.

* * *


Risk has talked about the wealth that surrounds the Viale clan, and I always knew they were very well off. It’s even more apparent when a plane lands in a private airport, and as soon as I get onboard, I see the high-class setup. Leather interior, a bar at the ready, and it even has a bedroom with a private bath.

Sebastian flew down and is now flying us into the city. Dante and Reno will be waiting for us when we land. Orion’s already informed us that Jessop got on his flight and will be landing by six this evening. We have a driver waiting for him. Leo, Reno’s most trusted man, is doing the pickup at the airport. Alessio has his man Julian following behind him, just in case Jessop’s got any other tricks up his sleeve. Nero has men posted along the route as well.

It’s safe to say that Jessop has made many enemies in the short time he’s known our Mafia brothers. Our plane sets down on the tarmac, and because the Viales follow their own set of rules, we’re put in a limo with Reno and Dante and off to the meeting place without going through security.

* * *

Every hour on the hour, I look at the clock on the wall. As the time nears for Jessop’s plane to land, it becomes every ten minutes, and now my eyes are glued to it as the clock hits six o’clock.

“Jesus Christ, brother, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack with the kind of stress you’re putting yourself through,” War declares.

“I promised her this would be over,” I grit out. My gaze flits from the phone on Reno’s desk, wiling it to ring for confirmation that Jessop has been spotted, to the clock on the wall.

“It will be,” Reno states evenly. “Have faith, man.”

Guard places a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to look at him. “Have I ever let you down?” he asks.

I sigh out a heavy breath. “No.” I drop my gaze to my boots. “She needs to put this behind her. It’s like a collar that chokes her around her neck. At the mere mention of Jessop, her demeanor changes. It’s been suffocating her. Frankie is all about helping people.” I can’t seem to stop talking, and I blurt out, “You see what she’s doing for the youth center. She’s got the biggest plans to get corporations involved to raise the money they need to get these kids off the street and into schools. And Izzy’s school now has fifteen new computers and they’re reworking the library to modernize it. How could her so-called friends back in England all turn their back on her like they did?”

It still eats at me at how superficial her friends are. When it suited them, Francesca was well received, and then they throw her to the wolves for something she had no part in. Guilty by association, and that shit ain’t right!

“They weren’t her family. Unfortunately, her mother and grandparents are gone and couldn’t be there for her, but she has a new family now, and we’re not letting her down,” Guard replies.

The phone rings. All eyes turn to see Reno pick it up. An evil grin forms on his face.

“Good job,” Reno says into the receiver, then sets it down. “The plane has landed. The pigeon is in the back of our car. Let the fun begin.”


Setting the Record Straight


I’m learning the stages of negotiation from an expert. After an hour with this idiot, Jessop said, “We had a deal. I trusted you.” He acts like he’s the victim. When Reno explained that there was no deal to be had, Jessop moved on to indignation and anger. He actually said to the great Reno Viale, “How dare you!” Reno laughed in his face.

When Jessop tried to walk out, he flung open the door, only to find Raffaele on the other side. Raffaele forced him back into the chair. That was when it dawned on Jessop that he was in big trouble.

We’re currently at the bartering stage. “I’ve got money. I’ll wire it to you. Just let me go. I’ll get back on the plane and you’ll never see me again,” Jessop says.

“You don’t have any money,” Alessio sneers. “We know all about you and the con you pulled in England. Many of those businessmen would pay big bucks for a swing at you. We’d make more money doing that than you have in your bank accounts.”
