Page 30 of Enemy Next Door

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I let out a sigh and looked up only to meet Luke's inquisitive eyes.

“What?” I fling at him.

He shrugs and stands from his seat. He places his bucket of chicken on my desk and washes his hands at the sink in my office’s en suite.

“I should be asking you that. Why do you want to know where Gianna is having her date?”

I feel cornered. “I don't know. I just blurted the question out without thinking.”

“Obviously.” He shakes his head. “You have been acting weird since you saw her again. We haven't even talked about why you were looking for her at your house party. I thought we agreed that you would find someone else.”

“Is that why you brought Jessica to my party without asking me first?”

“I brought her, so you won't make the same mistake.” Luke levels a look at me.

“So, you brought my mistake as a reminder to prevent me from making another one? Make it make sense, Luke.” I don't know why I'm losing my temper. I don't even understand what I'm feeling.

“I was just helping you, but my help was discarded. I hope you know what you are doing Chris. Messing with a family friend has dire consequences. I shouldn't have to tell you this,” he finishes.

“I know,” I mutter under my breath. “Do you think I wanted this to happen?”

“I don't know, you tell me. All I wanted was for you to apologize to her, not make her your latest conquest!”

I furrow my eyebrows at his reaction. “Why are you getting mad at me?”

“Because that girl does not deserve this. She has gone through a lot already. Don't make it worse.”

“You seem to know a lot about her.” I spit bitterly.

“Well, I was her shoulder to cry on when you broke her heart the first time.” He dumps the bucket of chicken in the bin. “Don't do it again.”

He leaves me perplexed. I can't believe Luke thinks the worst of me. I lived a reckless life in the past, discarded girls like they meant nothing. But that was in the past. It has nothing to do with Gianna.

Yet I still remember that night so vividly.

* * *

I flip through her diary chuckling to myself.

“Give me back my diary,” Gianna pleads, trying to reach for it but I keep it up over my head. She's way shorter than me, making it hard for her to reach it. “You shouldn't be reading someone's diary.”

My girl for the night, Betty or Barley or whatever her name is, had handed me a diary she found lying down on the staircase recklessly.

Curiosity had taken over me, and I brushed through the pages thinking it was Nala's. Only for it to turn out to be for Gianna’s.

I read the contents of the last entry in the diary.

How can I tell him I love him? He barely looks my way, but in my dreams he's so friendly and protects me. If only my dreams can become a reality. Then Chris White won't just be my best friend's brother—he’ll be mine.

I laugh wholeheartedly, finding the whole thing amusing. I never thought my little sister’s friend would be this delusional.

She's quiet now. No longer trying to reach for her diary. Eyes on the floor.

“I'm yours?” I spat, causing her to flinch. “I didn't know a poor little thing like you had feelings. It wasn't enough that you have Nala wrapped around your fingers, you want to add me too. Too bad I'm not as trusting as Nala.”

I bend to her level and tilt her chin up to face me. “Look here little miss, you are not welcome here. You don't deserve to be in this house. You are just a doll my sister has to play with for the meantime before she discards you.”

Tears fall from her eyes down to her cheeks. My heart feels weirdly guilty seeing her cry, but I'm too wasted to care.
