Page 40 of Enemy Next Door

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He frowns. “That's quite straightforward.”

“Isn't that what you want?”

“You seem to know a lot about what I want,” he shoots back.

“Because I do. Nala literally whines about your lack of commitment almost every time I see her.”

His eyebrows raised, he exclaims, “Wow! I didn't know my sister was such a blabbermouth.”

“She was just worried about you.”

“I just want us to talk more like friends. Fill the part of friends in the friends with benefits,” he continues like I’m the one acting crazy.

Why is he trying to make things more complicated than they are? I'm okay with him ignoring my existence and only acknowledging me when he needs me, not this. I'm not used to this version of him.

“You never really seemed that interested in getting to know me before,” I remind him.

He hums and nods, “That’s my bad. But I want to get to know you now.” There’s determination in his gaze.

“Won’t it complicate things?” I voice out my concern. I'm afraid the lines will get blurry, and someone will get hurt. I'm afraid that it will be me.

“It won't if we don't let it,” he confidently says, taking me aback. It's like he has everything planned out in his mind, and I'm just playing along with his plan.

“Okay…” I let the word trail off, unsure what else to say.

He stretches his hand out for a handshake. “Friends?”

I acknowledge it. “Friends.”

Soon after, the ice wall between us is broken, and I can't stop talking with him. Maybe I should start to worry about how easy I feel whenever I'm around him. Maybe I should start to worry about how he makes my stomach flip, something warm spreading through my body.

But no, we are just friends. Friends who fuck.

Chapter 14


The past week of my life went like clockwork: a few hours of sleep, business meetings, traveling here and there, and fucking Gianna senseless, getting rid of the tensions in my body.

Ever since Gianna and I started this, I have felt good and more alive than I have ever felt in years.

I turn to look at her, her hair scattered on the pillow. She’s naked beneath the sheets after waking up an hour ago. She chews on her lower lip, looking thoughtful as she presses her phone.

I stroke her hair. “What’s wrong?”

She looks up from her phone and grins when she meets my eyes. My heart flutters at her heartwarming smile. It feels so good to finally be one of the people she’s pleased to see.

“Nala hasn’t returned my calls nor replied to my texts in days. Which is unusual.”

“I will have one of my guys check up on her today.”

Her face lights up. “Really?”

“Of course, I’m worried about my sister as well.” It’s been days since I’ve heard from her, which is strange because Nala would always send a simple text filled with good wishes for my day every morning. I haven't received her text for four days now. I never cherished it when she sent it, and now I miss it.

I lean down to peck G on the lips, but she turns her head away. I already brushed my teeth this morning, so it surely can’t be my breath.

“What's wrong, Gianna?” I ask in concern, wondering if I’ve done something to offend her.
