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When I walked in the bedroom door, Scarlett was standing there like she’d been pacing since I left. The remains of our dinner were untouched, and so was the wine. She whipped toward me, her eyes scanning my expression for news.

“What happened?” she asked.

“He apologized. I forgave him.”

“Really? What—what brought this on? This is so random…just came out of nowhere. No one is sick, right?”

“No one is sick,” I said quickly. “But it didn’t come out of nowhere.”

“Then where did it come from?” she asked quietly.

It was the last answer I’d ever expected to give. “Your father.”

“My—my father?” She stepped back as if the words made her stumble. “What does he have to do with this?”

I explained everything her father had done, how he’d told my father I’d lost my girl to protect him, that I was truly innocent in that legal debacle. “He must have used a lot of resources to pull together all the information, called in some favors to get those phone records and surveillance footage. He basically built my case better than my own lawyers did.”

She was stunned into silence.

“And your father told my dad that he knows what it’s like to be estranged from your child…and he didn’t want that for us.”

Her arms tightened over her chest, and she looked determined to shut out the information, to not feel anything for her father’s actions. She looked elsewhere, breathing harder than normal, trying to sort it out in her pretty little head.

“He righted his wrongs,” I said. “That’s what he did.”

Her eyes found mine. “I’m happy for you. There are no words to describe just how happy I am that this has happened for you.”

“I know.”

She moved into my chest and squeezed me.

My chin dropped onto her head, and I squeezed her back tightly, my life complete for the first time.

She stayed there for a long while, letting me hold her as she held me.

I could do this forever, live in the moment with her, a very good moment. “We’re going to dinner with them tomorrow.”

“We?” she asked as she pulled away to see my face.

“Damn right, we,” I said. “I want them to meet my wife.”

“I just thought you’d want time with them alone first.”

“You’re my family. Where I go, you go.”

Her eyes melted like hot butter.

“And you know where we’re going?” I grinned, knowing she would guess it.

Her eyes flicked back and forth between mine as the smile moved into her features. “Seriously?”

“It’s my favorite place. And I want my parents to see it.”

“I don’t want to come across like I’m showing off…”

“I know what my parents like, and they’ll love your food,” I said. “And they’llloveyou.”

“I don’t know… I was pretty rude to them.”
