Page 8 of Vowed To Be Yours

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I wait a second and then take a step toward his computer. A rush of anger makes tears spring to my eyes.

I don’t want to do this.

My phone begins to buzz incessantly in my pocket and I pull it out to see another message from Leo.

Stop ignoring me. Do I have to send someone over there?

My oldest brother, who’s been helping my father keep tabs on me, is getting annoyed. With a sigh, I leave the room and go close myself into my bathroom to finally read the messages I’ve been ignoring. I send the same reply to both Leo and Papa.

Sorry. I don’t want him getting suspicious. He’s treating me well and seems to run a tight ship. I can’t get access to anything yet. I’ll keep you updated when I can.

I’m supposed to tell them everything I learn about Alexei, but I purposely leave out details, like the part where his men seem to have genuine affection for him and treat him with real respect, the same way he treats them.

Papa would see that as weakness.

I grip my phone tightly. I still have time to get a look at Alexei’s computer and find something they can use, but I can’t get myself to do it. I’m supposed to tell them the truth, but there’s already a lie in my first report because I’m not telling them what I can see clearly.

I’m not sure why I’m doing this, and as I head to the kitchen to start the lasagna, I’m really not sure why I didn’t go back into his office, either.

Chapter 4


My home office door is open as I struggle to read some contracts. Normally I do my work in an office downtown, where my secretary can keep things organized and the home office is more like a library. Now nothing is organized and whatever’s on the papers in front of me may as well be Mandarin, which I don’t speak.

I’m slowly going insane.

It’s the third time today Sera’s walked past my open door wearing tiny little running shorts and a top that shows a sliver of her bare, smooth belly. This time she pauses right outside, making a little noise of frustration as she leans over to pick something up that she’s dropped. My eyes zone in on her pert ass, then glaze over as all my muscles tense. In ten strides I could be over there, gripping her hips, pushing those little shorts down and plunging deep inside her tight little body.

Yeah, I know frustration. We’ve become well acquainted over the last two weeks since the wedding.

Other than dinners together, I have no idea what Sera gets up to when she’s not inadvertently tempting me as she flits around the apartment in barely there loungewear or yoga outfits, or Jesus Christ, an almost sheer nightie. Granted, she looked shocked to be caught in the kitchen at four in the morning but we both had insomnia and were looking for a snack at the same time.

I think I might have growled when I saw her peachy nipples under the nightie. I don’t know. She grabbed a box of crackers and fled, but that image of all that skin … I’m slowly going insane. I could have followed her to her room, but I’m going to let her approach me when she’s ready.

So far she hasn’t complained or caused any ruckus and her security detail only reports back that when she does leave the apartment, she gets her shopping done or spends hours in the library. It seems I no longer have any reason to be suspicious of her, so I’m left with this voracious hunger instead. She has a magnetic aura that draws me in like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

I can’t figure her out and it drives me even more crazy than constantly wanting to touch her. It tweaks my problem solving nature, with Sera as the ultimate puzzle with one missing piece.

“You okay out there?” I call, tearing my eyes from her perfect backside.

She jumps and spins to face me in the doorway, tugging at her top. Now it covers her stomach but more of her lush cleavage is exposed. Sera has great tits. Small, plush, with taut nipples that seem to pucker every time I glance at them. Which is a lot. I lick my lips and stifle a groan.

“Just dropped my book.”

“Did you get it from the library today?” Fuck, now she’ll know her security reports back to me.

She doesn’t seem to notice my mistake and holds up an extremely boring looking textbook. “It’s on first aid and emergency nursing,” she says.

“Come in here,” I demand. Her skin goes pale and she takes a step in, making me laugh. “Sorry. Please,” I add after the fact. “What’s with all the medical books?” I have a sudden hunch and I don’t like it at all. “Were you going to college before your father forced this marriage on us?”

Now she looks a little hurt and I realize I’ve just admitted how I feel about the pretext of our relationship. “What does he have on you?” she asks.

I roll my eyes. “I asked first.”

“No, I wasn’t in school.” She looks at her massive textbook sadly. “It’s just a pipe dream.”

I’m about to argue. Becoming an international pop star when you can’t sing is a pipe dream. Living life in the mafia without having to resort to violence from time to time is a pipe dream. But Sera’s smart and driven. Even with just two weeks together, I can see that. Why is becoming a medical professional something she views as unattainable? I’m about to push for an explanation when my phone buzzes. Unfortunately, it’s Niko, which means I have to answer it. Before I can tell her to give me two minutes, she waves and scurries out.
