Page 33 of Baby for My Bosses

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I knew before he said anything or even met my eyes that he’d made me squirt. In disbelief, I was still writhing on his cock, still feeling the release of hot fluid that didn’t come from my lover. I worked myself on him, rubbing and twisting. He held my hips, kept me stuffed so that every slight movement I made rubbed some other place inside me.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. “Make me do it again,” I whispered. He kissed my lips and lowered me to the mattress.

“Jake—” I gasped.

Eli was beside me then, taking my hand, kissing my palm and my wrist. I turned to look at him. He reached for my breast and fondled it. I shut my eyes and sighed in appreciation and then Jake was upon me, thrusting into me with wild abandon, pressing me down and pinning me to the bed. I gave a laugh, a cackle of pure joy as I took him every single inch, broad and hot. He ground into me, his girth brushing deliciously along the upper wall of my sex. I rode it out, the maniac surge of bliss.

Eli kissed my mouth, working his tongue in deep. I reached up, and he caught my hand in his while my other hand gripped Jake’s bare shoulder. He moved with exceptional control, grinding his pelvis into my clit and giving me exquisite pressure there that set of a blinding array of sparks behind my eyes. Jake pressed his palm low on my belly, the heel of his hand on my mound, pressing from above as he hit my clit with his cock with every thrust.

The scream rolled through me, desperate to escape, but it came out almost silent as pure flame seemed to engulf my body. From the delicious grinding on my clit and the perfect strokes of his cock hitting my g-spot to the pressure of his warm hand above my clit adding another layer of heat and sensation to the furious bliss that writhed into a knot of near-agony.

I was pinned down but trying to take control and take my pleasure from him. My need was a howling void, and I wasn’t sure I’d survive it. My vision went dark at the edges and my breath came only in shallow pants. I tried to thrust up with my hips, to buck and twist, anything to get the extra sensation the final edge to tip me over into my climax. Eli reached between us to pinch my nipple and tug on it lightly. That was the match that lit the wildfire within me.

Eli had to break our kiss as I started to jerk and writhe, out of control. One instant I was trying to catch my breath as Jake dragged that heavy cock through my wet folds and the next moment I was bucking and screaming his name into his twin’s mouth while a live wire of next level ecstasy tore through me. Wetness poured from me and coated us both, and he coaxed more fluid from me, his fingers between us massaging my clit. Determined as he was to wrench every bit of pleasure from me, his cock at last took over that iron control, when I snaked my hand down and wrapped my fingers around the base of him, touched his balls that were tight and ready. I clenched around him with the last of my scalding orgasm and he crushed me into the bed with his weight, sucking my neck as he emptied into me with hot spurts.

“No other man has ever—not even—“ I stammered. He kissed my lips, looked in my eyes with amazement.

“I’m glad I could be the first. You know you can do it now. It’ll be a fun challenge for us to make you squirt,” he said, a proud grin on his face. “I can tell I’m going to be addicted to that sound you made.”

I curled up on my side and lay there, satisfied and thoroughly debauched.

I grinned and pushed up to a sitting position. I met Ty’s gaze from where he sat in a chair nearby watching, stroking his cock while his hot eyes were on me. I crooked my finger at him to come to me. His eyebrows went up, but he came to me on the bed. Ty took my hand and helped me to my feet, gave me a bottle of water. I drank from it and moved closer, into the circle of his arms. He rubbed his cheek against mine, the scrape of his stubble electrifying my senses.

“Want to wash my hair? I’m sweaty,” I said, walking my fingers up the middle of his chest playfully.

“I’d love to take a bath with you,” he said, taking the hint and leading me toward the large bathroom.

Drew was on his feet, starting the hot water and pouring in fragrant bath salts. Jake got up more slowly but moved to light candles in the bathroom. As hot water streamed in to fill the huge sunken tub I found myself wondering how many of us would fit in there at one time. Jake came up behind me and kneaded my shoulders, kissing my neck. He slid one hand around to the curve of my belly and pressed me back against him so I could feel how hard he was for me again.

My whole body was filled with immediate yearning, an urgent need for him, to join with him. He dipped his fingers between my thighs, stroked the slickness there and whispered that wasn’t all. “I know you invited Ty in here with you, but sometimes we come as a package deal. Are you interested?” he said.

Warmth flooded my chest as I felt my body clench on my emptiness as I bore down, desperate for his body, his casual claim on me, heart and body and soul.

The crashing of water cascading into the tub made the soundtrack as Jake bent me over the edge and I gripped the rim of the tub like my life depended on it. Ty climbed in the water in front of me and fondled my breasts, licked them, worshipped them. This was what I’d been waiting for. The ultimate satisfaction, being loved by all four men at once.

“I need you,” I whimpered. I looked over my shoulder where I was braced on the edge of the tub, while Ty still ministered to my nipples. Drew and even Eli crowded into the bathroom, filling the space around me. Drew shouldered up beside me and reached over to curl his long fingers between my outer lips and flicked my most secret pleasure spot. I white-knuckled the edge of the tub, my hair falling around my face and brushing over the back of Ty’s head while he sucked my nipple from his place in the bathtub. Drew dragged a finger through my folds and groaned.

“A couple more flicks ought to do it,” he said, his voice too rough to be as businesslike as he was trying to sound. Jake crowded up behind me, the hot crown of his erection already slick as he dragged it teasingly through my tender folds. I shook all over so hard I wasn’t sure I could stay on my feet. My lips curled under to brace myself for what I knew would be an onslaught of pleasure destined to overwhelm me. There was a soft brush of lips at the corner of my mouth and I blinked, Eli’s face, his lips on mine, his hand cupping my cheek. I nodded and let him kiss me softly, like he wasn’t sure how much more I could take.

He was right, because almost as soon as I took that long hot slide of Jake penetrating me, I quivered and clenched down as a climax swept over me. I had to brace myself on my hands not to lose it altogether, not to go to my knees. I think they sensed it, because the next thing I knew, I was lifted in Drew’s arms and laid in the bathtub where Ty waited for me. He soaped a washcloth and I drooped back against his chest to rest. I couldn’t even open my eyes. I knew when they joined me one by one, and I knew there was nothing to say at that point. We had said it all, done it all, and sleep was the next obvious step.



We all slept late and then went on a cross-country ski trek. Jas loved her ski gear and was a lot more confident on level ground than she had been with her inaugural ski lift ride the day before. She, Drew and Ty went back to the cabin for a nap. Jake was in the business center at the main resort checking everything at the office and generally stressing out the staff on duty that weekend.

For my part, I headed to the main restaurant to speak with the manager about getting an authentic raclette dinner like I had when I was in Switzerland a few years ago. I knew that Jasmine would freak out over the molten cheese, and I wouldn’t mind it myself. I made arrangements for a private dining room later and selected the wines from their reserve.

I was lured into the gift shop next door by a display of Appenzaller Birweggli—a kind of Swiss fig bar only it’s made of layers of pastry and sweet dried pears. I grabbed five bags of those, a bottle of elderflower syrup, some paprika crisps and a jar of quince jam. Jake was going to laugh his ass off when he saw my haul of Swiss goodies. He loved to tease me about my bougie European preferences.

Armed with my assortment of imported cookies and things, I checked my phone and headed out of the gift shop. I hesitated an instant when I saw him. I knew down in my bones, some near-dormant instinct that I’d honed in the military and let fallow when I went soft with civilian life. But it flared to life at that moment when the hairs on my arms rose in response.

I tapped my camera app, so I could continue looking at my phone unassumingly while monitoring him from across the lobby. He wore cheap khakis and a polo shirt, hair slicked back with gel. He was out of place there despite his attempt to fit in. Even if I hadn’t recognized him from the photos we’d all saved to identify him on sight, I would have flagged him as an aberration in this crowd. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, too eager and ill at ease. Too hungry—wanting something with those avaricious eyes. I snapped a few photos of him and fired them off to my brothers.

I have eyes on this prick, main lobby,I sent.

Wake Jas? Or holding pattern?Ty replied,I’m calling local law.
