Page 44 of The Game Maker

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Seven's gaze cuts to me for the barest second, then back to his visitor. He seems unruffled by the man standing in the dining room.

“International business. It couldn't be helped. You could always have met with Declan. I've been back for a while, but I've been busy.”

I realize this international business was when he was in the cell with me, playing his game while Declan handled all his outside affairs.

“I didn't want Declan. I wanted you,” he says.

Declan pretends to be offended by this, but I know he doesn't care.

The stranger's attention shifts back to me again. “I see you have a new pet. I know you'll want to share her. Same price as always?” He comes around the table, and stands behind me.

I squeeze my eyes shut as his fingertips brush against my throat. I want to beg. I'm not even opposed to calling him master right now, even with an audience because this man knows anyway, and I'll do anything to keep his hands off me, but I'm too afraid to beg. It could make Seven look weak. And I know he'd never forgive that.

“Do. Not. Touch. Her.” Seven says. His voice is cold and boiling all at once, both dead and the most alive he's ever been.

Declan stands, his hand going to his waist, and I realize suddenly he has a gun.

The stranger immediately pulls his hand back, and I let out a relieved sigh.

“You usually share.”

“Not this one,” Seven says.

“What's so special about her?” he asks, still pushing.

“Do you want to walk out of this room tonight?” Seven challenges.

The man's tone shifts sharply as he becomes aware of the threat and finally reads the room properly. “Yes, Mr. Kelly. I apologize. I won't ask again.”

“Good. Spread the word. No one asks. Ever.”

“Yes, Mr. Kelly. Of course.”

Seven drops his napkin on his plate and stands. “Let's go to my study and talk business.”

The stranger leaves the dining room, followed by Seven. Declan rises also.

“Go to your room and wait for us, Pretty Toy.” He gives me a once-over. “And don't take the dress off.”

* * *

It's a while before Seven and Declan come to my room. I worry briefly that something bad happened, that one or both of them is hurt, or worse. But of course this is silly. The house has too much electronic security. Besides, there are other people here tonight. And Declan, at least, is armed. Maybe Seven, too.

Seven is already loosening his tie when he steps into the room. His intense predatory gaze locks on mine, and for a moment, I think he's angry with me.

I'm standing. Declan said to leave the dress on, and I can't kneel in it. It's too tight in the wrong places. Plus, it's silk. I don't want to damage it.

They prowl around me, taking a good look at the dress. Then both of them are running their hands over my body encased in this exquisite fabric. Finally, they stop circling me like I'm prey. Declan is in front and Seven at my back. They begin to kiss my exposed skin as Seven pulls down the zipper of the gown. They work together undressing me.

I'm surprised when Seven is tying a blindfold around my eyes. Then one of them takes my hands in his.

“I'm taking your ass tonight,” Seven growls in my ear. Besides punishing me, this is the other thing he wasn't able to do while he was getting the thrill of pretending to be my protector. And I find myself wanting it as much as he does.

“Thank you, Master.” These words just come to me, and I say them because I know he'll get off on it.

He chuckles. “We trained you so well. Such a natural. I knew when I first saw you the day we started watching you that you were the one for us.”

In other circumstances, some of those words might have passed for romantic.
