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“You don’t hook up often, do you, Duchess?”

I shake my head.

I’m not an innocent virgin, but my ill-fated dalliance with the professor meant I didn’t date or mess around in my first year at my previous college.

This is new territory for me. The professor liked to do things in a more civilized manner. He would open a bottle of red wine and pour me a glass. Then he’d put some music on and maybe we’d eat, or often we’d snuggle on the sofa sipping our wine. He liked jazz. I hated it but pretended to like it. Why do we girls do that?

At some point, we’d start kissing and we’d end up in bed. He’d never fall on me the minute we got through the door. Which wasn’t to say he was boring. The man could be creative in bed, but he was…restrained in the run-up to the main act.

What happened on that final night was as rough as he’d ever been with me, sexually. His way of controlling me had been more of the psychological variety.

Tino just took what he wanted from the minute I stepped over the threshold to his room.

He was so intense I get a frisson that feels a lot like fear when I think of us doing this again. It comes mixed with a heady amount of lust, too, but there’s definitely some trepidation there.

I glance toward the door. “Well. Thanks for a nice time.” Oh, my God, there I go again.

“Duchess, the way you throw around the word nice to describe our encounter has me thinking I’ve done something wrong.”

I’m about to say I thoroughly enjoyed it when he shocks me by slipping his fingers down the waistband of my jeans and between my folds. “You’re wet enough. Did you come?”

“Yes, you saw.”

“No faking it?”


“Good. Don’t ever fake it with me.” He slowly rubs my clit, and my eyes flutter closed. “Eyes on me,” he demands.

I look at him as he strokes me. “Don’t fake it. I don’t like being lied to. If I fail to rock your world, you fucking tell me.”


“Say, yes, Tino.”

“Yes, Tino.”

He pulls his hand free of my jeans and pats my pussy from the outside. “Good girl.”

Jesus, Tino is a lot.

“I, erm, ought to be heading back. My mom worries.”

“That’s sweet,” he says, but his tone tells me he thinks it is anything but.

“See you around.” I smile at him.

He grins at me as I leave, but as the door closes, I swear I see his expression darken.

I shiver and rush down the dark corridor, wanting to be back in my room.

When I arrive, I find the worst devil of all waiting for me. Dom is sitting on my bed. Shit, will he be able to tell what I’ve been doing? I’m sure my cheeks are still flushed, and my hair is a disaster. I quickly glance down to ensure my t-shirt is on the right way around and my jeans are properly buttoned.

“How did you get in here?” I demand.

I must not have locked my door. I make a note to always check before I leave.

He replies to my question with one of his own. “Where have you been?”
