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“Sorry, Duchess.”

“Or that,” I snap.

“I came here to be friendly,” he cajoles.

“Oh, right. I’m sure you needed to put the trash can over the door to stop anyone coming in to be friendly.”

“I just wanted us to have a private conversation. There’s a film showing at the bar tonight. I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me.”


He sighs. “Duchess, come on. What else are you going to do? You must sit alone in your room every night, staring at the four walls.”

“I don’t stare at the four walls.” I put my lipstick away and fluff my hair, some of my equilibrium recovered now. “I read or watch Netflix on my tablet. I’m perfectly fine.”

“Come and watch a film with me,” he says. “I’m not asking for anything more. Beats sitting in your room all alone. I’ll even buy you popcorn … with butter.”

I swore off these men, but he’s right about one thing. To avoid them, I have had to sit in my room. I can’t do that forever.

Then he seals the deal. “Bring Camile. Me, you, and her. Not a date, just a movie in the bar. It’s not like half the university won’t be there.”

“You’ll buy Camile popcorn, too?” I ask, a smile tugging at my lips.

I really shouldn’t let this guy reel me in, but I’m so lonely. Mom is so wrapped up in planning her wedding, and besides, the company of a parent isn’t the same as hanging with people my own age.

It’s heartbreaking to watch my mom’s preparations because I can tell she doesn’t want to marry the man, and yet, all her time is spent on getting things in place to do so. It’s making me feel distanced from her because I know she’s only doing these things because of me.

I have no one here, except Camile, and I haven’t seen much of her.

Despite my better judgement, I find myself nodding. “Okay, but it’s only a movie. I’m bringing Camile, and you’re buying the popcorn.”

He grins at me. “Great. See you tonight, Duchess. Meet me at the bar.”

I stare at my reflection. I haven’t made the same mistake as the last time I went to the student bar. I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The other girls can wear their sexy tops, I’m not playing that game tonight.

When I messaged Camile, she’d been excited to meet up. I didn’t mention Tino meeting us there in the message. That kind of news is better left to be told in person. I hope she’s not going to be pissed at me for turning this into a threesome—though not that kind of threesome!

The knock at my door has me checking my reflection one last time before I grab my bag.

“Mackenzie,” Camile says as she wraps me in a hug. “I was worried. You’ve been keeping yourself hidden away. Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry.” I hug her back. “It’s just been a lot. The move. Mom’s wedding. Dom.”

She smiles at me. “Dom on his own is enough. Say no more. The diablos are a handful.”

“Speaking of the Devils,” I say as I pocket my key. “Erm, Tino is meeting us at the bar.”

“What?” Her mouth turns down at the corners. “I was really looking forward to tonight and catching up. It’s going to be weird with him there.”

“He asked me to go with him and I refused, so he said it wasn’t a date and to bring you along. He says he’s buying the popcorn.” I nudge her.

“I can afford my own popcorn, and I really don’t want to have to speak to him all night.”

“We don’t. It’s a movie. We can sit together during the film and, after, you and I can grab a drink on our own. Deal?”

She sighs. “I don’t get why you keep letting these guys in. They’re not good people.”

She’s right, and I don’t know why I keep letting them get close to me again, either. Or why, deep in the dark at night, I find myself slick and wet thinking about them. Not just Tino, but Kirill too. Sometimes even Dom, despite telling myself I hate him. It’s a head fuck and one I wish I had more control over.
