Page 17 of Not A Chance

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“I probably should have talked to you sooner, but the decision is already made. I’m dating your mom now,” he explains while Tyler watches him, sucking his thumb. “I’m going to be around a lot, and I hope that you and I can build our own relationship because I really like her. I like you both and I want to keep you. What do you think, buddy?”

Tyler babbles, reaching out to touch Lucian’s face and I have to turn away before he sees me. I didn’t think he could get any better but the private moment I just witnessed has me melting for this man.

It takes me a moment to get my emotions under control before I walk into the kitchen.

“What are you two guys up to?” I ask with a smile, taking Tyler from Lucian.

“Just chatting,” Lucian smiles. “I’m ordering takeout for the non-milk drinkers. Do you want Thai or burgers?”

“I would love some Mexican,” I counter.

“A woman after my own heart. I’ll make the call.”

Taking a seat on the couch, I lower the strap of my dress and push the material away to expose my breast. Tyler latches on immediately and starts drinking. He has always been a healthy eater.

“I feel like an asshole,” Lucian says, standing beside the couch watching us.

“Why?” I ask with a frown.

“I’m jealous of our boy.”

I don’t know if it was a slip of the tongue or if he meant to say it but my heart trips over itself at his words.

I smile to hide my reaction. “Don’t worry. There’s more where that came from.”

Lucian gives me a heated look and I can’t hold back my blush. He takes a seat on the couch across from us and grabs his phone. I didn’t know I could blush any harder but I do. Watching him, I know he is looking at the photo he took. His gaze darkens as he bites his bottom lip.

“Is it what you had in mind?” I ask softly.

His gaze collides with mine. “Better.” He winks at me as someone knocks on the door.

Walking past me, he leans down to kiss my lips before making his way to see who it is. I hear a man’s voice. A sudden unsettling feeling wraps around me and I hold my son just a little bit tighter.

“There’s a man here,” Lucian says as he walks back toward me. “Says his name is Darren.”

That’s where the feeling came from. I haven’t even seen him and already my soul knew he was here. I want Lucian to tell him to fuck off but I know he won’t. Luckily, Tyler has already fallen asleep, with my nipple still in his mouth, might I add.

“I’ll put Tyler in his crib. Will you let him in?”

Lucian nods but I can see that he isn’t happy. In front of my eyes, I have seen him go from happy and carefree to shut down. My chest aches as he turns away from me. He grabs his shirt from the floor before heading down the hallway.

Taking my time, I lay my son in his crib and watch him sleep. I don’t know what my ex wants but I know that I want him out of my home as soon as possible. He is ruining this perfect day.

Walking out of Tyler’s room, I see Darren in the middle of the lounge looking around with a frown, assessing everything.

He sees me watching him and smiles.


The sound of his voice grates on my nerves and I want to plug my ears.

“Where’s Lucian?” I ask.

“He left,” Darren says with a frown. “I told him we need to spend some time together as a family.”

My eyebrows shoot into my hairline. “Family?”

“Yes, family.” He seems confused by my reaction. “You are my wife and that child in there is part of my DNA.”
