Page 68 of Bound By Deception

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Whatever this woman had done to me was getting harder to mask with each passing day. Right now, my control was slipping, and I was craving a taste of blood. Hers. But there was no way I could allow myself the satisfaction because, at the end of the day, she was all too fucking addictive, and I needed to stay clean.


I let the hot water pour over my body, relaxing my muscles as much as I could. I took my sweet time getting ready, thinking Matt could sit and wait since I had been waiting for him the whole damn night, and he didn’t even care enough to tell me he was coming a day later.

His actions were strange. Even when he was pissed, he wouldn’t normally dismiss me like this. There was something more. Again, the image of the blonde between his legs infested my mind.

Maybe it was more than just that.

My heart sank to my stomach when Max was standing there waiting for me instead of Matt.

Feeling his distance was much harder than I had anticipated. I missed him while he was away, but this feeling growing in the pit in my stomach as I realized he had gone without me was even worse.

There was a very thin line between hate and… affection, and I was continuously falling from one side to the other.

I stayed up late watching a movie on the couch, secretly hoping Matt would come home before I fell asleep, but that didn’t happen, either.

Between the frustrating near-orgasm dreams I had been having the whole week and his distant behavior, my mood just got worse as the hours went by. I couldn’t hold my sleepy eyes from closing and finally gave in, knowing I wouldn’t have my secret wish granted. I locked myself in my bedroom and let myself fall asleep.

Just like every damn night this week, I woke up jolting into a sitting position, my body covered in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest, my muscles spasming before my orgasm was cut off. I wanted nothing more than to ride it off, fall into a pit of pleasure that would ease this sexual frustration.

These had been my nights, every day for the past week. I couldn’t exactly deal with it since Max was sitting just on the other side of the door, and as low as the hum of my vibrator might be, he’d hear it for sure.

I jumped out of bed, annoyed by these stupid dreams that mind-fucked me, only to leave me hanging on the edge. I made my way to the kitchen through the dark penthouse, already used to the path, not turning on the lights as I usually did.

I took a glass from the cupboard only to drop it as I felt the hardness of a gun barrel against the back of my head. Maybe this was it. Maybe now I would finally find out who was coming for me.

“What the fuck are you doing lurking around in the dark?” I heard Matt whisper-shouting from behind me as he hastily took the gun away from my head.

“Just grabbing some water. Is that forbidden, too?” I spat, not controlling my glower. My gaze dipped, taking him in from head to toe, in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs hanging low and leaving nothing to the imagination from how tightly they hugged his assets.

“No, but you could have switched a fucking light on. I thought someone had broken into the house. I could have hurt you,” he barked back, lacing his fingers through his dark hair, a clear sign of his distress.

“Oh, right. I forgot I was living with the big male alpha, the dangerous mafia boss, Lord and fucking Commander, ruler of the city, master of all things alive. That big ego of yours just inflates your head so much that it makes you slow. You wouldn’t even catch me if I didn’t want you to.” Obviously a lie. I was poking the bear and I knew it.

This dangerous mixture of sexual frustration and anger shoved me into provoking him in any way I could. I needed a reaction since his last actions, or better, the lack of them, had been seriously messing with my head.

“Doesn’t seem that way to me,” he replied, showing me his wedding ring.

True. He had caught me. He trapped me into marrying him, but I still wasn’t his, even if I felt myself hanging on by a thread.

Once again, his actions spoke much louder than his words. Matt turned his back and left for his room, not saying another word, leaving me standing alone in the dark.

He gloated about having me, but by now, I wasn’t so sure he actually wanted me anymore.

Chapter 20


I should have known he wouldn’t be home in the morning. Still, the dejection I felt was as bitter as the coffee I poured into my mug for breakfast.

I ate alone while Max watched from the other side of the room, just as he had done the whole week. Impersonal as fuck, but I’d tried convincing him to eat with me and still hadn’t managed to bend him.

I had no idea where Matt had gone or even when or if he was coming back. I tried to force myself not to care. But going by the amount of times it crossed my mind, it was damn clear that I did care. The more he pushed me away, the more those feelings came afloat. The more alone I felt. The more frustrated I got.

Talk about a freaking snowball effect.

I pushed the plate aside, my hunger being replaced by something that twisted my stomach into a knot. There was no use in denying it. Matt was deeply settled under my skin, and all I wanted was to rip him out.
