Page 89 of Bound By Deception

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“Okay, okay.” He relented, looking straight into my eyes before holding his hands up in surrender. “But there’s no way that rule stands after we get home. I have very sordid plans for you and that damn dress, Wife.”

“Promise?” I teased.

“Don’t push it, Princess. I might change my mind and cancel the damn party.”

Those enticing words held me captive, my body burning in anticipation. I shook my head free of the graphic images that were now swamping my mind, quickly making my way toward the elevator before Matt changed his mind.

We got to Dea Tacita shortly after, and I knew that my mission tonight, besides making sure Jamie gets piss drunk and has the time of her life, was most certainly teasing my husband.

The look of hunger on his face when he saw me and my little black dress told me he was very eager to see it on the floor. He would be watching us from his little throne room, and I would surely take advantage of those hypnotizing gray eyes set on me. I would make sure he stayed true to that promise. Maybe even find the Matt I met that day in the shower before killing Gio and again that night of the family dinner.

Dominating, harsh, and possessive.

“Look at you! You look stunning. How did he let you leave the house like this?” Alison greeted me as soon as we arrived, fake whispering the last part.

“He can hear you, and he’s not pleased in the slightest. So be on your best behavior, or I’ll end this before it even starts.”

“Don’t be such a party pooper.”

I couldn’t hold the snort that left me. Hearing Alison call her mob boss brother a party pooper might just be the highlight of my week. Matt shot me a warning glare, and I simply shrugged.

“You know your place tonight, Mr. Battaglia. So get going. Those stairs aren’t going to climb themselves.” She scolded her brother, crossing her arms in front of her chest, faking annoyance.

“Behave.” Matt admonished, rolling his eyes before he turned towards me. “I’ll be nearby and paying close attention. Please be careful.” He pulled me into a possessive kiss that held all his concern for me as his lips claimed me as his.

“Don’t worry. We will be just fine. You’ll be right over there watching everything that happens in the club, and I’m counting the minutes for us to get home so I can hold you to that promise.”

Matt reluctantly left for his office, all the guys following behind him before shortly returning and scattering around the club.

When Jamie finally arrived, we had everything in place and ready to make tonight as memorable as possible for the bride-to-be.

“Oh my God, you guys. How did I not see this coming?” Jamie squealed as she hugged Alison and me.

“We made sure to keep it as much of a secret as we possibly could,” Alison replied as she put a headband with two penises on Jamie’s head, making us all giggle.

“Just wait until you see what we have in the goodie bags. You’ll be having a pretty diverse night with Liam tonight.” I chuckled as Jamie widened her eyes as she took a look into one of the silky red bags.

“Ew. No details, please.” Alison protested before swapping the disgusted scrunch on her nose for a wide smile. “Next stop, drunken town!” Alison yelled, leading us towards the bar in the center of the club.

She pulled a twenty-dollar bill out of her cleavage and slammed it on the counter. “Jamie, let us teach Francesca our little drinking game.”

“Oh no, no, no. Last time we played that game, I got shit wasted.” Jamie replied.

“Your point being?” Alison asked her, waiting for a valid reply but knowing nothing would really rank as one.

“Jamie, it’s your night tonight. Let go. We are here to get shit wasted right alongside you.” I encouraged her. “So, how do we play?”

“Three drinks. The first to finish wins it all.” Alison explained.

“Bring it on,” I said, slamming my own twenty-dollar bill on the counter.

Shortly enough, we were finishing the third full cup. Alison won, with me as a close second and Jamie in third.

It was just enough to start a light buzz going through my body, straight to my head, and especially down to my pussy. I looked up to the office and saw Matt looking down straight at me. I slowly licked my lips, making sure he saw it before tucking my bottom one between my teeth, biting slightly as I turned around, swaying my ass for his amusement.

The three of us headed to the middle dance floor, letting our bodies move to the music, the alcohol working already.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Matt’s promise, imagining my hands as his while I let them roam my body to the sound of the music. I knew he’d be watching, and knowing he was forbidden to touch me was sure to be grinding on those nerves of steel he had.
