Page 18 of Enigma

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“Sugar, I need to tell you something and I don’t want you to worry, okay?”

Nodding, I continued to eat.

This was hands down the best damn ham and cheese sandwich I’d ever eaten.

“So, last night, a club called Satan’s Angels attacked the club. They are a nasty group of men and they got what they deserved. I’m sure you saw the fires. Well, three cabins are toast and will need to be rebuilt.”


“Frank got shot,” she stated, then quickly added, “It was only a flesh wound, but he’ll carry a scar. Dimeter wasn’t wearing shoes and messed up his feet pretty bad, but he’ll be fine in a few days.”

“What else?” I asked, taking another bite.

“Last night, Enigma spotted John. He went after him.”

Sandwich forgotten, I swallowed the foul taste in my mouth, before saying, “Could you repeat that?”

“You heard me just fine. I don’t want you to worry about Enigma. He knows exactly what he’s doing. You, however, are mucking all this up.”

“Excuse me?”

“You know me and my sisters are not normal. Well, not in the conventional sense.”

“You are perfect just the way you are, Phoebe. Don’t sell yourself short.”

The sweet woman smiled. “Thank you for that. But it’s true, and I can’t change who I am any more than you can change the fact that you’ve been in love with Enigma since childhood. Why are you fighting him?”

“I’m not fighting anything,” I whispered, then quickly changed the subject and asked, “Does King know Eugene went after John?”

Phoebe slowly shook her head. “No one knows.”

“Then how do you know?”

“I read the cards.”

Sighing, I exhaled, releasing the breath I’d been holding as the tension fled my body. While I really liked Phoebe and her sisters, I didn’t believe in the mumbo jumbo stuff they did. I believed in cold hard facts. That’s it.

“I know you’re not a believer, Sugar. I get it. It’s hard to believe when life has handed you a shit deal, but trust me on this. Fighting Enigma will do you no good. Soon, you will make a decision that will have dire consequences, and because of that choice, you could lose Eugene forever.”

“What do you mean, lose Eugene?”

“The cards didn’t say.”

“That’s very vague, Phoebe.”

“I know. Sometimes the cards are clear as day. Other times they are not. I’m so sorry. I wish I could tell you more.”

Biting my thumbnail, I muttered, “It’s okay. I just wish I knew what decision you are talking about. There is a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. I can’t make heads or tails of it.”

“The only advice I can give you is to follow your heart. Not your mind, but your heart. The heart will never lead you astray,” Phoebe said, getting to her feet. Walking over to the door, she stopped, turned back to me and spoke, “He feels awful about what’s happened to you. He blames himself, Sugar.”

I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Who blames himself?”

The sweet woman said nothing more before ducking out of the room, leaving me to ponder her cryptic messages. While I still didn’t believe in tarot cards, mystic eight balls, or psychic shit, I knew Phoebe believed and she would never intentionally put me in harm’s way.

But none of it mattered, though, because I already knew what I was going to do. It didn’t matter if I had a choice or not. The only choice I could make was to return to my life once this mess was over and pray that Eugene still wanted to be my friend.
