Page 24 of Enigma

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“There’s been a big accident on the interstate, Sugar,” Sarah explained, walking over to me. “Trip’s hurt bad.”

“What about Banks and Hawk? Did someone call Lacey?”

“Breathe, Sugar,” Gunner said, stepping forward.

I immediately took a step back, staring at Gunner, who looked at Sarah, confused.

Sarah frowned, stepping forward, I allowed her to wrap her arm around me. Honestly, I had nothing against Gunner. He was a great guy, but I didn’t want anyone to insinuate any improprieties on my part.

He was married now, with children.

He didn’t need to be seen with the likes of me. I knew my station. I knew what everyone thought about me.

“Where is Eugene?”

Gunner and Pyro looked at each other before Pyro turned to face me. “Sugar, he was in the accident, too.”

If Sarah hadn’t been next to me, I would have crumbled to the floor.


Not my Eugene.

“How bad?”

“Oh, the fucker will live. Whiplash and a concussion. The hospital is already talking about releasing him in the next day or two. In the meantime, you are stuck here with us. No sense in you staying in this room. Might as well come downstairs. Just don’t leave the clubhouse, okay?”

I nodded, not looking at anyone in particular.

As Gunner and Pyro left, taking Cameron with them, I walked over to the window and looked outside. I didn’t want to be here without Eugene. I couldn’t explain it. I’d been here many times before, but somehow things were different.

I felt different.

“Sugar, what’s wrong?” Sarah asked.

Shaking my head, I muttered, “I shouldn’t be here.”

“Sugar, everyone here cares about you. You grew up with most of these people. You belong here. Why would you think that?”

Taking a deep breath, I sighed. “It doesn’t matter. As soon as the authorities capture John, I will leave. I don’t want to cause any more trouble.”

“You’re not causing anyone any trouble, sweetie.”

“I just want my life back.”

“That’s what the club is trying to do. You just need to give the brothers time. They will find your ex and soon your life can go back to normal.”

I smirked at that.

Normal. If she only knew what my normal really meant, she would have chosen a different word. Oh, I knew Sarah didn’t mean anything by it, but it still hurt to hear. I knew what normal she was referring to. It’s what everyone believed. I’d seen the looks, heard the comments, the whispers. I was the town whore and nothing I did would ever change that.

“Come downstairs with me.”

“I’ll stay here, if it’s okay.”

“Alright, Sugar,” Sarah whispered. “If you need anything, you know where we are.”

“Thank you.”
