Page 43 of Enigma

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“Then who texted?”

When Sugar stayed silent, I held out my hand. “Give me your phone, Sugar Anne.”

“No. It’s my business. This has nothing to do with you.”

“That’s where you are wrong, Shug. Everything about you is my business. You are my woman. I claimed you. You belong to me.”

“I belong to no one,” she firmly stated as she walked around me, leaving my room.

If she thought I was just going to let her walk out of this clubhouse without the truth, she had another thing coming. I knew it had something to do with Martha Cohen and I would be damned to hell before I let that cunt hurt my woman one more second.

Following Sugar down the stairs into the main room, I grabbed her arm, spinning her to face me. “Talk to me, Shug. I can’t fix it unless you tell me what happened. Was it Martha?”

Yanking her arm out of my grasp, she shouted, “It was no one. I just don’t want to be here anymore!”

Growling, I sneered, “Stop lying to me.”

“Fine! I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired of all the looks, the comments, the way everyone is forced to be nice to me. It isn’t right. I just want it all to end.”

“Who’s making you feel uncomfortable, Shug? My brothers, the girls, who?”

Shaking her head, she yelled, “I can’t take it anymore! I’m tired of all the comments, and the longer you’re with me, the more they will talk about you.”

“You think I give a shit what anyone thinks, Sugar? ‘Cause I don’t.”

“It’s not that simple, Eugene,” Shug shouted angrily.

“What’s going on?” my sister asked, walking into the clubhouse with King and Lacey when I spotted Gunner and Scribe walking in from the kitchen.

“Then explain it to me, because I don’t see a fucking problem here.”

Whatever happened had seriously upset her. I could see her indecision as she warred with herself. I knew Sugar. She loved everyone here, so that ruled out my club brothers and the ladies, which meant I was right to assume it was Martha Cohen. I didn’t know how that bitch got to her, but I was going to find out if it was the last thing I did.

“Eugene, back off,” Lidi warned.

“Just forget about it, Eugene. You go back to your life, and I’ll go back to mine.”


“What do you mean, no? This isn’t your decision, Eugene.”

“Then make me understand. Tell me why it won’t work.”

“You really want to know why?”


“Fine,” Sugar growled, narrowing her eyes at me, and I knew she was about to hit below the belt. She always did when her back was against the wall. It was a safety mechanism she used to break free from any uncomfortable situation. “Because I’ve slept with two of your club brothers. There is no way this club will accept me. Happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

No one moved.

No one dared breathe as Sugar stood before me while I tried to calm the fury bubbling up inside me. I wasn’t lying when I said I knew everything about Sugar. I knew she wasn’t a saint, but guess what?

Neither was I.

I had a past too.

But for her to stand there and use that excuse, knowing damn well I didn’t give a damn who she fucked, really pissed me off.
