Page 50 of Enigma

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“Priest, I’ve got a crime scene unit already—” Mike said as I stepped in front of him, halting whatever he was about to add. Priest ignored him and slowly walked into Sugar’s house.

“What the hell is going on, King? Priest can’t go in there.”

“He won’t touch anything. He just needs to see the scene. Give him a few minutes.”

“You want to tell me why?”

“Because it’s what he does,” I whispered vaguely as I turned away from the man to stare at the house. And like I promised, Priest walked out not even ten minutes later, heading straight for us.


“I’m not sure,” Priest admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

“What do you mean?” I growled.

“It’s a mess in there, King. But as to who killed John Stanley, I’m not sure.”

“Enigma admitted to it, Priest,” Mike growled angrily.

Priest stared at Mike with void eyes and started speaking, “The scene isn’t that clear, Mike. From what I could decipher, John Stanley kicked in the front door, knocking Sugar back, and she crashed into the side table. From there, he grabbed her and started beating her, throwing her around the living room. She fought back as best she could, throwing several items, trying to get away from him. At some point, he overpowered her and continued his assault. The blood splatters will verify that. There are drag marks on the floor where Sugar crawled to get away from him. They lead to a bloody handprint on a side table. That’s where things get weird. I can clearly see another set of footprints, and from the size, I’m betting they are Enigma’s. The living room is destroyed, and from the defensive wounds on Stanley, he fought someone with strength. We all know that wasn’t Sugar. Woman doesn’t have the power to inflict that kind of damage.”

“But Enigma does,” I admitted.

“Yeah. My best guess, Enigma showed up just in time before Stanley killed Sugar. They fought, but as to who pulled the trigger, I have no idea. Now, here is where it gets interesting. Sugar dragged herself over to the end table. Her bloody handprint is evident on the wood. The drawer is open and there is blood on the inside of the drawer.”

“Like she was reaching for something?”

“That’s my guess. From the casings I saw, it was a .357 Magnum.”

“The same as Enigma carries.”

Priest nodded. “But her handprint isn’t the only one on the small table. Someone else reached for whatever was inside the drawer. Whoever shot Stanley emptied the gun into him. But one thing is clear. It was self-defense.”

“How can you be sure?” Mike challenged.

Priest looked at the sheriff and deadpanned, “Because I’m never wrong.”

“Enigma admitted to the murder.”

“Enigma will do anything to protect Sugar. Even take the blame for something he didn’t do.”

“Mike,” I interrupted when the sheriff persisted as he continued to challenge Priest. “If it’s Enigma’s gun, Priest. How did Sugar come to be in the possession of it?”

I chuckled. “God damn it. That sneaky son of a bitch.”

“What?” Mike grumbled.

“A couple of nights ago. I visited Sugar. I needed to talk to her. Enigma showed up. I’d bet the clubhouse that sneaky fucker put his gun in the drawer, just in case. It’s the only thing that makes sense. I fucking knew he would never leave her defenseless,” I said as the coroner, along with another, carried the body bag containing John Stanley, out of the house and over to the van.

“Look, King, I get you want to protect Enigma. This has gone way past a simple case of assault. It’s a murder investigation. I’ve got a woman beaten near death in the hospital, a dead fugitive, and your brother admitting to the murder. Until I know everything, Enigma is staying in jail until I can talk with him.”

“Not without legal counsel,” I firmly muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Let me guess… Scribe?”

“That’s right.” I grinned. “As long as you keep my brother behind bars, Scribe won’t leave him. As for Sugar, she is now under my protection until Enigma can stand next to his woman. And just so we are clear, Mike, that means Sugar is now property of the Sons of Hell.”

Chapter Eighteen
