Page 51 of Enigma

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Sitting on the bench in the cell, hunched over, holding my head in my hands, I silently prayed that Shug was going to be okay.

What that motherfucker did to her.

Fuck. I would never get that image of her lying on the floor, not moving, out of my head. Her little body, bloody and beaten from what he did to her. If that motherfucker wasn’t already dead, I would kill him all over again.

But my girl survived.

She may have had her ass handed to her, but she fought back and won. That fucker was dead, and he would never torment her again.

I’d never been so proud of Sugar than I was at that moment.


Smirking, I didn’t bother looking up.

I knew they would come. They always did.

“Damn it, Scribe, you can’t go back there. He’s a suspect in a murder investigation.”

“He is my client, Linda. Now let me pass.”

“Fine, but you stay out of that cell. I mean it, Scribe. Mike wants to talk to him when he gets back.”

“He’s not talking to my client without his lawyer, and guess what, Linda?” Scribe snarked. “That’s me! Now move.”

I heard heavy footfalls when my brothers approached. I was glad they came, but I wished they were with Sugar. I hated thinking of her being all alone in the hospital. She needed someone there when she woke up.

Scribe gasped.

“Holy shit,” I heard Pyro whisper.

Yeah. I bet I looked a fright.

Mike didn’t waste time when I told him I killed Stanley. He immediately cuffed me and ushered me to a waiting squad car. I begged him to let me stay with Sugar, but the former Marine wasn’t listening to anything I said.


Refusing to look at him, I muttered, “How’s Sugar?”

“We don’t know, brother,” Pyro said calmly. “King ordered us straight here. How are you?”

“I’m fine. Just want to know how Sugar is.”

“We’ll find out for you,” Scribe offered, then asked, “Brother, I need you to tell me what happened.”

I shook my head, saying nothing.

It didn’t matter.

The truth would come out, eventually.

I just wanted to know Sugar was okay.

“Eugene?” Pyro whispered carefully. “What happened?”

“It doesn’t matter. She’s safe now. She’s free.”
