Page 52 of Enigma

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Refusing to say anything more, I turned my back on my brothers.

“Enigma, let’s go,” Mike ordered, opening the cell door.

Standing, I stayed silent while he escorted me to his office, where I saw King, Priest, and Pyro standing in the corner, watching as Scribe and Matthew Law viewed the television. I couldn’t see what they were watching, but when Scribe looked over his shoulder at me, it didn’t take long to figure out.

“Sit down, Enigma,” Mike firmly said, pushing me into a chair as two deputies stood behind me, not moving. Could have told the man I wasn’t going to run. Everything I loved was in Rosewood. Nothing but death could make me leave.

Moments later, Judge Tomlinson and the District Attorney, Peter Dalton, walked in, closing the door behind them. Saying nothing, Mr. Dalton walked over to where Scribe and Matthew Law were watching the television.

“How are you doing, son?” Judge Tomlinson asked, his tone kind and concerned.

“I’m good, Judge.”

“Mighty fine mess you got yourself into.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I stopped off at the hospital before coming here. Thought you’d like to know that Ms. Potter is going to be alright.”

“Thank you for that.”

Someone knocked on the door.

Grumbling, Mike walked over and opened it. “What is it, Linda?”

“Mr. and Mrs. James are here to see their son.”

“I’ll go talk to them,” Priest offered, stepping away from King and Pyro.

“This investigation is still open, Priest. Until I sort this out, Enigma is still a suspect.”

Priest smirked. “If that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, but we all know what happened.”

“Just keep your mouth shut.”

“Watch it, Mike,” King growled. “Got mad respect for you, but not gonna let you talk to my brother that way.”

Before Mike could respond, Peter Dalton spoke up, “Let Enigma go, Sheriff. There is no case here. The video is clear. It was self-defense.”

“What about the gun?”

“What about it?” Scribe frowned, stepping forward. “Enigma has a conceal carry permit. The entire club does. It’s up to date.”

“Enigma’s gun was in Ms. Potter’s possession.”

“You really want to go there?” Scribe challenged. “You saw the fucking video. I don’t care if she had every fucking gun in the National Armory in her house. Sugar’s actions were justified, and so were Enigma’s.”

“What’s really going on here, Mike?” Judge Tomlinson asked, looking at the sheriff. “You know the evidence is clear. Why are you pushing this?”

Mike sighed, shaking his head before walking over to his desk, producing a letter and handing it to Judge Tomlinson. “It’s not what you all think.”

“Then explain,” King ordered. “Fast.”

“I got a letter delivered early this morning. I didn’t know what to make of it until I got the call to Sugar’s house. I think someone orchestrated what happened with John Stanley, Sugar, and Enigma.”

“What are you saying, Mike?” Pyro spoke, standing up straighter as he quickly glanced at King.

“My gut is telling me this isn’t over. One of the four people on that list is dead. If I’m right, Enigma, Sugar and you, King, are in danger.”
