Page 53 of Enigma

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I looked up at King, who stiffened.

“Mike is right,” Judge Tomlinson said. “There are four names on this list. One is dead. Another in the hospital. Enigma and King are here. Who is with Ms. Potter?”

“King?” I gasped, fear coursing through my veins when I got to my feet.

“Priest, go!” King yelled, reaching for his phone as he and Pyro ran out of the room.

“I’ve got Ace and Jonathon with me. I’ll send them over to the hospital immediately,” Matthew Law added, making a call.

“Enigma,” Judge Tomlinson carefully said, looking at me. “Do you have any idea who could want you, Sugar, and King dead?”

I didn’t have to think.

I fucking knew.

“Martha Cohen. She hates all of us. Sugar the most. She’s been hounding Sugar for years, and she blames King for what happened to her daughter, Margaret.”

“That only explains Sugar and King, Eugene,” Judge Tomlinson stated. “What about Stanley and you?”

I shrugged. “No clue.”

“Could she be pissed at Stanley because he called off the wedding?”

“No, Judge.” I shook my head. “Because it was Margaret who called off the wedding. Not John.”

“Then it’s not Martha,” Scribe offered.

“Possibly.” I shrugged. “But Martha liked John. Woman always took his side. I don’t see her wanting him hurt. If anything, she would protect him.”

“Then it’s someone else,” Mike spoke up. “Someone who is close to all of this mess, but someone no one would look at.”

“Sheriff, release Enigma. As for the rest of you, I’m placing a gag order on this investigation until we learn the truth. In the meantime, I want Sugar Potter, Eugene James, and Callum Montclair protected.”

“Not a problem, Judge,” King said, stepping forward. “We will all hole up at the clubhouse until Mike finds the person behind all of this. That gonna be a problem, Mike?”

“No. Was gonna suggest that myself.”

“Good. Keep me updated, Sheriff,” Judge Tomlinson ordered, handing Mike back the note before leaving the office.

Chapter Nineteen


The second Mike’s deputy removed my cuffs, I bolted from the sheriff’s station, ignoring everyone’s yells as I ran for the hospital. I needed to see Sugar. I needed to see for myself she was alive.

Thank God, the hospital was only two blocks away. By the time I entered the emergency room, I thought for sure I was going to need someone to give me CPR.

Gasping for air, I didn’t notice when Stacey walked over to me. “You okay, Enigma?”

Sucking in air, I shook my head, but managed to say, “Sugar?”

“Second floor. Room 219.”

Groaning, I headed over to the elevators, pushing the up arrow. Waiting impatiently, the doors finally opened, and I stepped in when King, Scribe, and Matthew Law rushed over to me.

“Crazy fucker,” Law grumbled, shaking his head.

“Couldn’t wait, could you?” King smirked.
