Page 56 of Enigma

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Mr. Potter left with Gator. King and I had Sugar transferred to the clubhouse after she woke up a few days later. Even though she was still in a lot of pain and confused, with Claudia in residence, along with George and Jessica, we knew she would be safer at the clubhouse than the hospital.

Mike wasn’t happy, but he couldn’t stop us.

Sugar was Sons of Hell.

King ordered the clubhouse on lockdown.

No one in or out, without express permission from King. And he wasn’t fucking around this time. To ensure everyone understood, he ordered brothers to close and man the gates, instructing them to remain armed.

Everyone walking outside the clubhouse was to be packing too.

No exceptions.

While my brothers worked alongside the Bourbon Kings and Harbor Security, I stayed with Sugar, while also spending time with Benjamin and Sean. Cameron was a big help in keeping Ben occupied, leaving me to concentrate on Sean, who didn’t understand why his mom was sleeping so much. He was still little, but smart. I could see him working it all out in his little head.

“Mommy sleeping again.”

“Yeah, little man. She is. She’s gonna sleep a lot, so she gets better.”

“Kiss her.”


“Like Roara. The prince kissed her. She woked up.”

Swallowing my smile, I hugged Sean closer to me. “Yeah, he did, didn’t he?”

“Kiss Mommy, Daddy. I won’t look.”

Looking down at Sean, I whispered, “What did you call me?”

Sean, with his big bright blue eyes and mop of shaggy brown hair, muttered shyly, “Benny said I could.”

“Could what, buddy?”

“Call you daddy.”

Hugging him to me, I whispered, “Yeah, buddy. I’m your daddy now.”


Looking up, I smiled when my sister walked into the room, along with George and Jess. “We need to check on Sugar and change her dressings. Why don’t you take Sean downstairs? Frank is gathering all the kids in the media room for snacks and a movie.”

Nodding, I got up with Sean in my arms, as my little man damn near choked me, holding on for dear life.

Heading down the stairs, I spotted Ben and Cameron sitting at one of the tables, their heads close together as they quietly whispered. If it were any other kids, I wouldn’t have worried, but this was Cameron Hobbs and Benny Potter.

I didn’t trust those two as far as I could throw them.

Also, knowing Cameron’s penchant for trouble, it was anyone’s guess what those two were up to.

Walking over to them, I spoke, “Whatever you two sneaks are plotting. Forget about it.”

“It’s nothing, Enigma, we’re innocent. I swear!” Cameron said, grinning innocently.

Yeah right.

Innocent my ass.
