Page 57 of Enigma

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Looking at Benny, I watched as he gulped. “Swear, Dad. We were just talking.”

“About what?”

“Nothing!” both quickly piped up in unison.

“What’s going on?” Pyro asked, walking over.

“Don Corleone and his henchman are plotting something,” I said, refusing to take my eyes off Benjamin, who was now squirming in his seat.

Pyro groaned. “What the hell are you planning, Cameron?”

“Nothing, I swear!”

“SCRIBE!” Pyro shouted.

“Oh, come on!” Cameron huffed as he crossed his little arms across his chest, glaring at me. I’d seen some scary shit in my life but having Cameron Hobbs glare at me with retribution in his eyes was bone-chilling. I wasn’t joking around when I called him Don Corleone.

No one saw it, but I did. Kid had everyone fooled, but not me.

I was looking at the next president of the Sons of Hell.

And when that day came, God help us all.

“Yo!” Scribe said, grinning as he walked over, eating an ice-cream cone. “What’s up?”

“This is your fault. You fix it,” Pyro said, slapping our brother on his back.


“Little shits are up to something. Find out what and stop it.”

“Why me?”

“Because you taught Cameron half the crap he does. Fix it,” Pyro ordered, washing his hands of the boys as Scribe sighed, his shoulders sagging. “Let’s go you two. We need to talk about planning strategies and where not to do them.”

Leaving Scribe to handle the boys, I headed for the media room, only to have Devlyn appear out of nowhere, halting me in my tracks.

“Hey, bee-boy.”

Immediately, I froze, quickly cupping my crotch. “What the hell are you doing here? Don’t you have some unsuspecting wussy-boy to bend to your will? Go away.”

“Awe.” Devlyn smiled menacingly. “Do you need some attention?”

Gulping, I took a step back. “Be gone, Satan. You have no power here.”

“Wanna bet?”

“Dev,” my sister groaned when she walked down the stairs with George next to her. “Leave my brother alone.”

“I was just saying hi!”

“Damn.” Gator smirked, leaning against the bar, watching with rapt attention when he eyed Devlyn up and down like she was a tall glass of water and he was dying of thirst. I could have told Gator that Devlyn Never wasn’t a woman he should fuck with, but I knew the stubborn Cajun wouldn’t listen. None of the Bourbon Kings listened to reason. They were all crazy as hell and did what they wanted. So, when Gator whispered to his club brothers and they all smirked, I knew the fireworks were about to start. “What I wouldn’t give to swim in her pond.”

Gator’s brothers chuckled.

Devlyn slowly turned to the visiting club president and sneered, “You know I can hear you, right?”

Gator smiled. “I know, Cher’. Now why don’t you come over here and speak your sweet words to me?”
