Page 58 of Enigma

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I knew King would rip my ass a new one if I at least didn’t try to warn Gator. I had to at least say something. Anything.

“Uh, Gator, you don’t want her. Dev isn’t nice.”

“Shut it, bee-boy,” Dev clipped, standing her ground. “I can handle this dirty pond water Cajun myself.”

Sighing, I shook my head.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Come to Papa, Cher’, and I’ll let you play with a real Gator.”

Welp… I tried.

Rolling my eyes, I left the soon-to-be-dead Bourbon King to his fate. May God have mercy on his soul.

Passing King’s office, I heard him shout, “Enigma, get in here!”

Sighing, I looked at Sean, who looked enthralled at everything going on around him, then stepped into King’s office to find Priest sitting on the couch along with Mr. Potter.


“How are you holding up with everything going on?”

“I’m good. Why?”

Mr. Potter got to his feet, smiling as he walked over to me. “Come on Sean. Let’s go find Granny.”

Handing my little man over to his grandfather, I looked at King and Priest as Mr. Potter left, closing the door behind him.

“What’s happened?”

King took a deep breath before saying, “Mike just called. Someone set Sugar’s house on fire.”

“Excuse me?”

“The fire department is trying to put it out, but Mike said it’s a total loss.”

Grabbing the back of a chair, I sat and let what King just said sink in. How in the hell was I going to tell Shug that the house she raised Ben and Sean in was gone? She loved that place. Everything was in that house. All the kids’ baby pictures, toys, clothes, everything Shug cherished and saved since she had Benjamin.

Now it was all gone.

“There’s more.”

I steeled myself.

“Mike received an anonymous tip last night. He found drugs in one of the lockers at the Irish Rose Tavern. Yours.”

“What the hell?” My head snapped up. “You know me, King. I don’t mess with drugs. Hell, brother, I get squeamish when I have to get an Epi shot. What the hell is going on?”

“That’s not all, Enigma,” King added, leaning forward. “Mike also found drugs at the bowling alley, Sugar’s Creamery, and Bailey’s shop. Whoever is doing this is systematically trying to take away our livelihoods. Mike is keeping a lid on everything for now, but you, better than anyone, know how fast rumors fly in Rosewood.”

I nodded.

I did.

The second word got out what was happening, the residents of Rosewood would start talking and then it would be game over. Devlyn was right. This Rosewood was worse than Peyton Place.

“Enigma, I need you to think. Do you have any idea who is doing this?”
