Page 59 of Enigma

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Shaking my head, I muttered, “The only name that keeps popping up is Martha Cohen. But what would she have to gain by taking out our businesses? She frequents the Tavern regularly and I’ve seen her buy goods from Shug’s shop. The only place she hasn’t stepped in is Bailey’s shop.”

“He’s right, King,” Priest spoke up. “I’ve seen Martha in Sugar’s Creamery too, and the woman is present every Sunday evening at the Tavern. She always sits in the back booth and orders two hot toddies.”

“Two?” King questioned.

“Yeah. She only drinks one though,” I added. “The other is for her dead husband. They used to frequent the Tavern before he passed. When I’m working, I make sure the back booth is empty before she comes in. Woman may be bitter, but Mr. Cohen was a decent man.”

Gunner, Pyro and Banks chose at that moment to walk in.

“It’s bad, King,” Pyro said, plopping down on the couch next to Priest. “The house is a total loss. Mike wanted me to tell you he got another tip.”

“Let me guess,” King groaned, sitting back in his chair. “The garage.”

“Yep, and the clubhouse.”

“Ain’t gonna find shit in my shop. Place has been locked down tight for a week, and thanks to Sypher, I’ve got all the latest bells and whistles on that place. Wasn’t taking any fucking chances with Sarah working there,” Gunner sneered.

“Skylar Rose called when I was in town. A deputy showed up at my current worksite. Wanted to look around the trailer. Told her to let him.”

“What the fuck is going on!” King roared, slamming his hands down as he got to his feet. “I want everyone gathered in the main room. This shit ends today.”

“What are you planning, brother?” Priest asked.

“I’ve had it with this shit.”

A short time later, King gathered everyone in the main room.

And I mean everyone, from our guests to club brothers and their wives. Taking a seat at one of the tables, Mr. and Mrs. Potter sat with me, along with Frank, Claudia and Devlyn. George volunteered, along with two of the Bourbon King brothers, Donut and Bandit, to corral all the kids in the media room. The only two missing were Sugar and Trip.

“This meeting is for the townies. I need help, and I’m not ashamed to ask for it. Someone in this town wants the Sons of Hell gone. Rumors have been flying for years about our club, but it seems they’ve reached a tipping point. Someone has burned down Sugar’s home and planted drugs at the Creamery, the Tavern, and my woman’s tattoo shop. To make matters worse, I just learned that Mike got another tip that there are drugs in the garage, and he’s already had his deputies search Pyro’s trailer at the construction site. This shit ends right now.”

“What do you need, King?” Mr. Potter asked.

“We’ve all heard rumors. This town thrives on them. I want to know every fucking rumor being spread around town and who’s leading the charge. Who in Rosewood hates us so much they are willing to break the fucking law to get rid of us? To even go as far as to frame Enigma and Sugar for murder.”

“Well, start with the biggest mouth,” Devlyn spoke up, leaning back in her chair. “Martha Cohen has been very vocal about her hatred for the club and Sugar.”

“Dev’s right,” Bailey piped up, scooping up some ice cream from a bowl as if everything was right in her world. “Martha hates me. Has since I bought the building and turned it into a tattoo parlor. Woman thinks I’m bad for this town. But she’s never said anything to my face. Bitch is scared of me.”

The room chuckled.

That was the damn truth.

Everyone was scared of Bailey.

“She’s called me a loose tart with no morals,” Sarah admitted, and Gunner growled.

“She’s called me an inbred hillbilly club whore,” Skylar whispered, as Pyro flinched.

“She calls me a cheap porn star,” Henley muttered while Scribe hugged his wife.

“Yeah,” Bailey added, pointing her spoon at the room. “But none of that compares to what that bitch has been saying to Sugar. I swear, King, if I wasn’t pregnant, I’d kick that bitch’s ass. Still might if I see her. As for the rumors, I don’t think it’s Martha spreading them.”

“What makes you say that?” I asked, leaning forward.

I trusted Bailey. The woman spoke her mind. Feral, but it was the truth. King’s wife didn’t believe in holding back and called it as she saw it.

“Well, think about it,” the hotheaded woman said. “If you take Sugar out of the equation, Martha is nothing more than a bitter old woman. Bitch is all talk. When confronted, she backs down and scurries away.”
