Page 70 of Enigma

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I groaned, rolling my eyes, muttering about annoying men.

“I hear ya. Georgie has taken the big brother gig to heart. I can’t go anywhere with him. He’s so protective. Don’t get me wrong. I like it. Never had a brother, but man, Georgie is something else. Frankie is just as bad, and don’t even get me started on the club brothers. Banks and Hawk took me to Beth’s coffee shop the other day for a root beer float and brownies when a cute boy winked at me. Winked! That’s all, I swear, but it was enough for Banks and Hawk to go all Grumpy Bear on the poor boy. Granny told me to expect that and more, with an entire clubhouse of brothers.”

I smirked at that, remembering when Gator would do the same whenever a boy even tried to talk to me. Even though Gator was my cousin, he took my protection to heart.

“So, what’s with this appointment? I thought you were all better?”

“I am.” I smiled. “It’s my final follow-up appointment. It shouldn’t take long.”

“That’s good. Scribe and I have been watching The Big Bang Theory on Prime. It’s getting so good. We’re hoping we learn something so we can relate to Frank better. Got love for the big guy, but he’s really hard to understand sometimes. He’s so smart.”

I chuckled at that when a truck rolled to a stop next to me.

“Hey, beautiful. Wanna ride?”

Ignoring the driver, I took Fiona’s hand and continued walking.

“Heard you were the one to see for a good time. I can pay.”

Stopping, I turned to the man and said, “Please leave.”

“Why would I do that? It’s a free country, besides, I heard you’ve been spreading your legs for that biker gang on the mountain. If you like it rough, I can be rough. Why don’t you hop in and let me show you?”

“Please leave us alone,” I firmly said, standing my ground.

“Oh, come on, if you’re scared, I’ll do you both. I’ll even pay extra for the pretty one. Wouldn’t mind getting into her pants too.”

“She is fifteen!” I shouted, pushing Fiona behind me.

“And a whore just like you, from what I was told.”

“Get out of the vehicle. You are under arrest for propositioning a minor and soliciting sex,” a firm gruff voice said, walking up behind me. Turning, I saw Mike Brewer glare menacingly at the man in the truck, who now looked pale as he contemplated driving off.

“Don’t even fucking think about it, asshole,” Pyro growled, standing in front of the truck, prohibiting the man from leaving, as Skylar rushed over to us both.

“Are you both okay?” Skylar asked as Fiona turned and hugged Pyro’s wife, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I want Georgie.”

“Calling him now, Fiona,” Pyro reassured, reaching for his phone.

“Turn off the truck, step out, and place your hands on the hood. You are under arrest,” Mike stated firmly, his hand on the butt of his service weapon, not taking any chances.

“I didn’t do shit. Those bitches came on to me!”

“Not asking you again, mister.”

I stood in shock as the man in the truck glared at me, but he did what Mike instructed. The second Mike had cuffs on him, Pyro rushed over to me, hugging me close. “Are you okay, Sugar?”

Nodding, I tried to calm my racing heart.

“Fucking sluts,” the man sneered, and Mike pushed his face hard against the hood of the truck before manhandling him towards the squad car.

Once secured inside, Mike walked over and said, “Hate to do this, but I need you both to head to the station and file a report.”

“I’m not pressing charges,” I muttered, removing myself from Pyro’s embrace. “I can’t.”

“Sugar, we all heard what that man said.”
