Page 77 of Enigma

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Apparently, years of spiteful hatred and revenge wasn’t good for the complexion.

Not that I knew anything about that shit.

“Sure thing, Bails!” Beth shouted back, smirking conspiratorially as Jane glared daggers at my woman.

Could have told the bitch that my woman didn’t give two shits and was going to do what she wanted, but this was Bailey’s show.

My job was to sit back and provide bail money if needed.

The bell above the door jingled, and like clockwork, Gunner walked in with Sarah, along with Devlyn and Gator.

“OMG! Bails! There you are,” Sarah screeched loudly, pushing patrons out of her way to get to Bailey. “You will not believe what Sugar just told me!”

“I’m all ears, woman.” Bailey smiled up at the perky young girl. “Enigma asked her to marry him, and she said YES!”

Beth squealed loudly, clapping her hands as she rushed over to join us.

“Looks like the club is taking on used whores now,” the bitch muttered loud enough for all to hear.

And just like that… my woman was off to the races.

Sitting back, I got comfortable as Bailey sneered, “What the fuck did you just say, bitch?”

“I meant no disrespect, but you should really be careful about who you associate yourselves with.”

“Does that include you, Jane?” Devlyn growled, taking a step closer.

“I don’t know what you mean, Devlyn. I’m nice to everyone.”

“And that inbred, annoying Cajun is the love of my life,” Dev clipped back, pointing over her shoulder at Gator, who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Aw, Cher’, I didn’t know you felt the same way.”

Devlyn ignored Gator and added, “Because last I heard, you were spreading your legs for Jeff Martin. I’m sure his wife, Ashley, might have something to say about that.”

Jane stiffened, glaring daggers at Devlyn. “Jeff and I are just business partners. Everyone knows that. Unlike the whores you associate yourself with, not to mention your porn-star sister.”

“Careful, Jane,” I growled. “I’m married to one of those whores.”

“Yeah!” Bailey shouted, getting to her feet. “What my man just said.”

Jane chuckled, ignoring Bailey as she gave me her full attention. “You will never change, King. You always preferred the bottom feeders. Too bad your association with that slut of a tattoo artist has tarnished your reputation.”

“That slut is my wife. Remember that. And what reputation? Think I give a fuck what anyone thinks?”

“And that right there is why you and your club businesses will soon be going out of business. You should have been more careful who you associated yourselves with.”

“Is that a threat?” I sneered.

“You can never be too careful.” Jane smirked, whispering to the man beside her. “Drugs are not a good business.”

The man next to her flinched but said nothing.

“That sounded like a threat to me,” my woman said, pushing past Sarah, who stood in shock at the exchange.

In fact, every patron was enthralled at the show, some even videoing the entire scene.

“How about I show you how careful I’m gonna be when I beat your fucking ass?”
