Page 78 of Enigma

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“And lower myself to the level of riffraff, I think not,” Jane said, bored as she snootily waved her hand, trying to shoo my woman away. “Why don’t you just do this town a favor and return to your meth family and take your stupid cousin with you?”

Sarah gasped.

Gunner growled.

And I groaned, because the next thing I saw was my pregnant woman throwing her arm back before landing a punch directly to Jane’s nose.

The entire coffee shop heard the crunch.

My woman just broke the bitch’s nose.

Sighing, I muttered, “Cupcake, you’re pregnant.”

“You think that’s gonna stop me from kicking this bitch’s ass!”

Sitting back in my seat, I gave up. “Fine, but try not to make it a felony. I want my kid born in a hospital, not a jail cell.”

“No promises, babe.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Two nights later,

“Just breathe, baby,” I said, escorting my wife into the Rosewood Country Club, along with Cameron, who looked fit to be tied.

“Come on, Sky,” Claudia chirped, linking her arms in Skylar’s. “We’ve got this.”

“It’s just the last time I was here, there was a scene.”

“Oh, we’re gonna give this town a scene they will be talking about for years.” Lidi chuckled. “Let’s go have some fun.”

“Can I have fun too?” Cameron asked.

Frank picked up the little man, placing him on his shoulders. “You are off the leash tonight, bud. Let ‘er rip.”


As the hostess escorted us to a table, all eyes turned to us, and when my eyes landed on Jane Stanley, I steeled my face before nodding, while I held Skylar’s chair for her.

The annoying woman was furious as she glared at me, but when I tilted my wife’s head back and laid a panty melting kiss on her lips, I swear the bitch shot fire out of her ears.

“Aw, man,” Cameron groaned loudly, as I knew he would. “Can’t you wait until we’re home for that?”

“Cameron,” Skylar hissed. “Inside voice. Please.”

Frank threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Oh, come on, Sky. We’re here to have a good time. Let my little man have some fun.”


Dinner was going off without a hitch when Cameron frowned.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, looking at Skylar’s brother.

“I’m confused.”

“About what?” Frank piped up, eager to help.
