Page 83 of Enigma

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“Can I sit next to Cameron?” Benny pleaded.

“Not a chance in hell, Son,” I firmly said, turning to Sugar, who looked scared to death. “Woman, trust me. Now sit.”

“Fine,” she grumbled. “But I want it on record I didn’t ask to be here. This town hates me.”

“Noted, and they don’t hate you.”

Surrounded by my club brothers and friends, the hall quietened down when the council members all walked out on stage. Leading the charge was Jane Stanley herself, who looked a little worse for wear, considering she was sporting a black eye and a broken nose.

Woman wasn’t having a pleasant week.

Too bad for her it was about to get a hell of a lot worse.

“Dad, I’m hungry,” Ben muttered.

“Me too,” Sean added, tugging on my shirt. “Daddy?”

“I could eat something,” Cameron piped up from where he was sitting between Pyro and Skylar.

“Damn, I forgot my gum,” Pyro groaned, searching the pockets of his cut.

“Frank, got any snacks on you, big buddy?” Gunner leaned forward, getting the big man’s attention.

“Nope.” Frank shook his head as he fed Charlie a bottle of formula.

“Did anyone bring anything?” Bailey asked, looking around.

When no one said anything, Bailey stood up just as Jane smacked the gavel down, bringing the town meeting to order. “The Rosewood council town hall meeting is now in session. If everyone would sit down, we can get this meeting started.”

Bailey smirked at Jane, who had specifically singled her out, as she was the only one currently standing. However, Bailey didn’t listen and instead did what she does best.

She took over the meeting.

“Why is there no food here?”

“Excuse me?”

“Food? You called this stupid meeting and there is nothing. You can’t call a town meeting at dinnertime and not provide food. Hell, woman, there isn’t even a popcorn machine.”

“Ooh, popcorn!” Henley smiled, turning to Scribe. “Baby, I want some popcorn.”

“If we’re doing snacks, I’d like a chocolate muffin,” Howard, from the general store said stepping forward. “And maybe a coffee from Beth’s coffee shop.”

“Oh yes,” agreed Morgan Delaney, owner of Heavenly Bodies and More. The town’s only massage and day spa. “I’d kill for a coffee. Oh, I wouldn’t seriously kill anyone, Mike. It was just an expression. I swear, but I’d seriously hurt someone for one of Beth’s club sandwiches or maybe a scone.”

Mike smirked. “You’re good, Morgan. I wouldn’t mind a coffee myself.”

Jane huffed, slamming the gavel down several times, silencing the crowd. “This is not a buffet. This is a town council meeting. Now everyone be quiet so we can get started.”

“Uh, Jane.” Martha Cohen grinned, leaning forward in her chair next to Judge Tomlinson, who looked bored out of his mind. “I wouldn’t mind a coffee, either.”

When Jane’s face turned beet red, I chuckled.

I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore.

This town hall meeting was turning into a three-ringed circus.

“The sooner we finish this meeting, the faster everyone can leave and eat,” Jane clipped, trying to appease everyone, but Bailey wasn’t letting it go.
