Page 84 of Enigma

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“You called this meeting at dinnertime. I’m pregnant and starving. So are my girls.”

“Uh, Bails, I’m not pregnant,” Sarah piped up. “But I am hungry.”

“I want food!” Cameron shouted as several members of the town snickered.

“You can’t seriously ask several pregnant women to wait if we’re starving. You are hindering the growth of our unborn babies and that’s child abuse. Isn’t that right, Lidi?”

Frank’s woman had covered her mouth, trying hard to contain her laughter, but when Bailey singled her out, Claudia coughed, then nodded. “Technically, yes. When a woman is pregnant, the insatiable hunger she feels is a direct reflection of the fetus’s hunger. The mother is feeling the demands of her unborn baby. So, if Bailey is hungry, her baby is hungry. Denying her food will only aggravate the situation, as the fetus will start syphoning off nutrients from the mother if it’s not fed in a timely matter.”

“Did you hear that?” Bailey roared. “My kid is sucking the life out of me. Now feed me!”

“Mr. Montclair, please control your wife or I will be forced to remove her from this meeting,” Jane ordered, slamming the gavel down on the table a few times.

“Try it, bitch,” Bailey sneered. “I dare you.”

King quietly got to his feet and smiled. “You called this meeting. Not me. You wanted me here. You’ve got me. All of me.”

“This council only requested you, Mr. Montclair. Not your colleagues or that woman you married.”

“Colleagues?” Banks clearly said for all to hear. “I like that. Hey, King, can we be called colleagues from now on? Makes me feel important.”

“Gonna feel my foot up your ass if you don’t shut up,” Hawk huffed, bored with the meeting already.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” Scribe said happily.

“Me either.” Gunner grinned.

“And I’ll help,” Cameron volunteered.

“Hey!” Banks gasped. “What did I do to you, kid? Thought we we’re best buds.”

“I’m hungry. No food is making me mad,” Cameron huffed, glaring at my brother.

“Someone better feed my little buddy before I get mad,” Frank firmly declared.

And that was all it took before total pandemonium reigned.

An hour later, Jane brought the meeting to order, as everyone in attendance was now happy about the food break. None more so than Cameron and Ben, who were now sitting next to each other, with Sean between them as they ate sandwiches and chips from the Rosewood Country Club, while Beth and Sarah were still serving cakes, cookies, scones, and coffee for those who wanted it.

“This town meeting is here to discuss the permits and businesses of those belonging to the Sons of Hell motorcycle gang,” Jane clearly said when every brother, including myself, looked at King, who silently held up his hand, stopping us from saying shit as Jane continued.

“Rosewood is a simple tourist town. A clean town and we pride ourselves on our ability to endure when big businesses threaten to break in and take over. This town has stayed true to its beliefs that the town is only as good as its citizens. While this town does not tell its business owners how to run their own businesses, we, the town council, refuse to stay silent when a business can, and will, be the undoing of our lovely town.”

“Get to the damn point, Jane,” Mr. Munson, owner of the Rosewood Mobile Home Park, groaned.

“While the Sons of Hell motorcycle gang has been a staple of Rosewood since the early forties, it has been brought to our attention that the motorcycle gang is now under investigation for making and distributing drugs.”

“Call my club a gang one more time, Jane, and you are going to have bigger problems,” King growled menacingly as the room went eerily silent.

“But it is a gang.”

“The fuck it is, and you fucking know it.”

“I don’t know what you are referring to; I do know, however, that several businesses related to your gang are also under investigation, like Venom’s Ink, the Irish Rose Tavern, the Rosewood Bowling Alley, and the Sons of Hell Auto Shop and Wrecker Service. Not to mention your Montclair Construction Company and Sugar’s Creamery.”

Sugar stiffened beside me.

Holding her hand, I lightly squeezed, waiting to see where this bitch was going with her line of questioning.
