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Mateo wasn’t a confrontational person. Whatever stereotypes existed about fiery Latin tempers, they didn’t apply to the cool-headed Cuban-American. He was quiet for a few stop lights, allowing the silence to stretch.

“Liam went on a date last night,” he finally said. “A date with a woman you have a history with. No, please do not insult me by disagreeing. You are my good friend, and I know you well, just as you know every facet of my own soul. And I can see that your soul is tortured.”

I breathed slowly. Yeah, I guess I was that obvious.

“I do not need a response,” he said calmly. “You need not acknowledge it to me, my friend. But I want you to know that I see you, and I feel what you are feeling as if it were my own pain, and I hope you find a healthy way to handle these emotions soon.”

He reached over and gave my shoulder a squeeze. I smiled at him, and said nothing.

Liam was already at the station, sitting on the couch with his legs up on the table, sipping coffee from a comically-large mug. He smiled when he saw me, but it wasn’t his normal jovial expression. It was forced.

“Need to talk to you, pal. When you’ve settled in.”

“I’m all settled already.” I dropped my bag on the ground and sat in the chair across from him. “What’s on your mind?”

Mateo seemed to sense the mood, and went off to busy himself in the engine room.

“It’s about last night,” he began.

I raised a hand. “Whatever happened, Liam, it’s okay. Really. I’m fine.”

Liam stared at me for several heartbeats. “She slept over, Jack.”

They slept together.

Strangely, the confirmation didn’t bother me. If anything, I felt relieved. I didn’t have to speculate anymore. The unknown was a vast, terrifying possibility, but hard facts were finite.

“Jack?” Liam said. “Did ya hear me?”

“I heard you,” I replied. “I’m glad you two had a good time.”

Liam scowled. “No you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.” I meant it, too. They had slept together, which in effect slammed the door on any feelings I had for her. She had moved on, which meant I could do the same. It was freeing, in a paradoxical way. The realization made me feel light-headed.

“This is a trick,” Liam said suspiciously. “You’re going to act like everything’s fine, then smother me in my bunk while I sleep. Aren’t ya?”

I chuckled. “You’re my best friend, Liam. I would never do that.”

He pointed at me. “That’s precisely what someone would say right before smothering their best friend with a pillow.”

“My feelings about Alyssa are… complicated,” I admitted. “I’ve spent the last few days figuring them out. And I think I’m in a good place. Seriously, I am. You going out with her helped me understand some things. Besides, I have no idea who she is, now. I’m a completely different person than I was eight years ago, and she’s probably the same. She might as well be a stranger to me. I’m glad you two hit it off last night.”

Liam stared at me suspiciously, then slowly nodded. “Shit. You’re telling the truth, aren’t ya?”

“I really am.”

“I’m glad to hear it, bud. I didn’t like seeing you in a bad place, mentally.”

I shrugged. “Just needed to figure some stuff out.”

I got up, and Liam stood and gave me a hug. He had always been a hugger, and I appreciated the long embrace. It went on a little longer than normal, conveying more than words could have.

Mateo returned to the room, looking awkward. “It’s all good, Mateo,” I said. “You don’t have to hide behind the fire engines.”

He cleared his throat. “There is someone here. To see you.”

“Alyssa?” I asked.
