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He’d joke about Egan owning his, but his best buddy was probably the only one in his family who didn’t own more than four ties and two suits so a tux was out of the question.

He looked down at Egan’s feet. At least he had shoes on, even if they looked a bit more like sneakers with the white soles. That worked for him because he was sporting the same thing. Those rental shoes weren’t touching his feet.

“I’m surprised she wanted the tie more than no sandals on your feet.”

Egan finished with his tie. “My mother bought these shoes and told me I’m not allowed to put sandals on my feet until the reception is done. I don’t get it. We know I get pedicures all the time. My feet are prettier than Blake’s.”

Lincoln snorted. He had no choice. He always found it hilarious that Egan wore Birkenstocks half the time when flying the helicopter. He’d said he’d go barefoot if he could but knew the passengers might not appreciate it.

“Got to love your mother,” he said.

“She kept me in line. It was good for Blake too. It’s going to be a hard day for her.”

He knew Blake’s mother had passed away less than two years ago. Blake moved here to work for her father and brother, who she hadn’t had a good relationship with.

A lot of those fences had been mended from what he’d heard and he was happy to hear that.

Family had always meant everything to him, but he knew not everyone felt the same way.

The one thing he was glad about was weeks ago he’d gone to Carter and Avery’s wedding with Grace.

By then in his mind it was old news about their relationship, but there were plenty that had to come up to chat and get the scoop.

It was over with and out of the way, so today should be smooth sailing.

At least on that front. His duties as best man though, yeah, he had to give a speech. No problem. He had this.

He didn’t even feel bad that he was the best man and Egan’s brothers, Eli and Ethan weren’t in the wedding.

Blake wanted it small, but she should know by now that nothing is that small in the Bond family.

Most of the guests today were family and coworkers. Blake’s family consisted of her father, brother and her brother’s family.

Even the wedding party was Lincoln as the best man, and Blake’s sister-in-law Carissa, as the matron of honor. Kaden was a ring bearer. One of the grandparents would be holding the baby during the ceremony.

“Blake will get through it with your family,” he said.

They were at the casino right now and getting ready in Griffin’s old penthouse suite. Blake and Carissa were next door with Janet in Eli’s penthouse getting ready there.

He couldn’t wait to see Grace though and looked at his watch knowing there was an hour left before guests would be arriving.

When the door opened connecting the two penthouses, he saw Janet come through carrying Kaden in his little tux. The baby was awake but at three months old probably not even aware of what was going on and not liking the outfit he was wearing.

“Someone wanted to see his Daddy. The photographer would like to come over and get a few pictures of you two together.”

“They were just here taking pictures of me dressing,” Egan complained. “I know that was your idea. I told him to get lost.”

Lincoln had found that funny, but what did he know about weddings?

Janet sighed. “So we were told. You said you’d cooperate today, Egan.”

“I will and I am,” Egan said. “But I don’t need someone taking pictures of me tying this stupid tie. But it’s on. See?” Egan was moving his hands in front of it as if framing it so his mother could examine it properly.

“It is and you look very handsome. Both of you do,” Janet said. Janet moved over and adjusted Egan’s tie a bit.

“Thanks,” Lincoln said.

“You and Grace are going to look stunning today,” Janet said.
