Page 46 of Finding Forgiveness

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The voices around me fade.

“You didn’t think you could come here and be the savior, did you?” The voice says, cackling.

My eyes widen when I realize I can’t hear anything happening around me. Turbo shakes my shoulders and says something to me.

“I CAN’T, FUCK,” I say, pointing to my ears.

“You should have stayed away, Gunner Church… Now you will lose everything.” The voice cackles louder, causing me to wince.

I watch in horror as Bull, Turbo and Taz fall to their knees, holding their heads and cursing, or at least I think that is what they are doing. My eyes focus and unfocus. No matter what I do, I can’t. Fuck. What the fuck?

A woman pushes through Bull, Taz and Turbo, who couldn’t defend themselves if they wanted to, if they are feeling like I do. Their faces are screwed up in pain. For some reason, the woman is focused on me and as much as I want to scramble away, she grabs me by my face and says something to me. She looks like she’s yelling. Then she turns and says something. When I look at what has her attention–my woman. My crazy ass woman comes barreling through a group of others. The worry for me and determination to get to me are written all over her face. She takes her eyes off of me and sees Taz, Bull and Turbo in the same positions. Her mouth moves and then she holds her hands out. And what the fuck is that?

My eyes widen at the sight of Savvy, her hands holding a fucking glowing sword. What the actual fuck? I watch as Savvy slashes and stabs her way to me. She is fiercer than a motherfucker, and I try to lift my hands, say something when I see another one of those shadow things is coming up behind her.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why won't my damn voice work? My eyes are wide as I look at the woman holding my face, shaking my head, trying to get her to look at Savvy, warn her to do something other than hold my fucking face. When my eyes return to Savvy because this handsy bitch isn’t getting the hint. I feel the air above me shift, looking up to see Rocket sailing over us, hand raised. I don’t know if he says something to Savvy because she drops to the ground as the shadow thing is about to engulf her. The same blade I saw Rocket throw before, sails through the air and goes into the shadow and, like last time, a man clutches his chest and the blade lodges in it, his mouth wide open. If I could fucking hear, I’m sure the fucker would be screeching.

Savvy stands and books it to me. She slides on the ground next to the woman. They say a few words to each other. Savvy puts her fucking glowing sword on the ground in front of me. My woman raises her hands she intertwines them with someone else’s and I growl, when I notice it ain’t a fucking dainty feminine hand. I try to turn my head, but the woman holding my face jerks it so I remain looking at her. My eyes trail to Savvy as she looks up and says something to the fucker holding her hand. I focus on her. Her eyes are telling me it will be okay. Damn right it will. I try to smile to reassure her I understand, but I wince when another pain shoots through my skull. When it dissipates enough that I can look around to check on my boys. I notice there are three people surrounding each one of us and women holding Taz, Bull and Turbos faces like the woman in front of me is holding mine. And then more crazy shit happens. The hands on my face get warm and the ringing dissipates and the relief I feel is instant. I release a breath in relief, because fuck me.

Hot damn, what the fuck was that? I shake my head out of the hands of the woman holding me when I no longer feel the pain in my head.

The woman chuckles. “That was Julia, not playing nice.” She stands. “Okay boys, you had your break. Now it’s time to rescue some girls. Up you get.” She says.

Savvy watches me with concern in her eyes.

“I’m okay baby.”

“You fucking better be. I’m going to kill that bitch,” Savvy growls.

“You are about to get your chance,”




When Gunner fell to his knees, clutching his head, I knew something was wrong. I hadn’t worried about him until that moment. I was determined to get to our girls. As soon as my father gave the signal, they became my sole focus. Gunner would be protected. I knew that. Until I didn’t.

Once Selvy broke the connection curse, Julia put on Gunner and the rest of our family. I was vibrating with fury. I clutched onto Gunner, making sure that he was okay. And he was. Selvy told me that the damage done had been reversed and he and the other’s would be okay.

My head snaps up at the sound of my father’s voice, but he is not focused on me.

Standing, I slowly turn to see the woman, who has caused so much pain and destruction, standing at the mouth of the mausoleum surrounded by what is left of her followers. The smile on her face as she takes in the destruction and death at her feet angers me and has my body vibrating with the need for retribution.

“Is this all you have for me, Svetlana? Such a pity. You should have known better.” She tsks, as she looks around, raising her hands to the sky.

The wind picks up, and the sky darkens.

“You can’t stop me. None of you can stop me.” She cackles and begins to chant.

The men on either side of her grab her shoulders. Connect their hands with the persons next to them, and as I watch the dozen people connect hands, they all begin chanting.

I watch in horror as those left standing fall to their knees. My eyes turn to Selvy and her coven as they too are holding hands in a circle around me and my family chanting, none of us who are in the circle are feeling the effects of whatever Julia is doing, but we can hear the cries and wails of pain. I look into Selvy’s eyes, frantically asking her what to do.

She doesn’t respond with words, at least she isn’t alone. The witches surrounding us, chants become louder and louder. Selvy’s eyes are on mine.

Selvy’s head snaps up toward the sky and she releases an ear-splitting scream and falls to the ground.
