Page 47 of Finding Forgiveness

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Everything happens quickly.

Everyone around me falls to the ground unconscious, all but myself and Julia. Who looks around frantically.

“No, Julia. You should have known better,” I say, and take off running toward her, leaping over bodies as I go.

She tries to scramble back, but Beaman’s crows are preventing her from entering the mausoleum, like a fucking shield. Thank you, Beaman. Wherever the fuck you are.

She stares around frantically, then she stops and her head lowers.

Oh, no the fuck you don’t. I’m not close enough for a strike. I reach down and pull one of my knives from its sheath, throwing it with everything I have in me. I watch as it sails through the air as I get closer to her. I have to leap over the bodies of the fallen and unconscious. I don’t think about them. Hopefully, whatever the fuck Selvy did won’t be permanent. That’s a concern for another time. I’ve got a bad little witch to kill.

Julia’s hand comes up as the blade closes in on her. When her eyes widened. I realize that whatever the witches did, took away whatever power she had left.

“No!” she bellows when the blade pierces the center of her hand.

I smirk, only feet away from her now.

“You better hope my girls are okay. Your journey towards death will be worse than you could imagine.” I say, jumping over my last hurdle as she pulls the blade out of her hand.

The stupid bitch swings the blade out, but I’m smarter, faster, and better than she will ever be.

With a swing, I catch her jaw with a right hook, which has her falling to the ground.

“You should have taken your hand-to-hand more seriously,” I say, smirking down at her.

The glare she sends me has my smile widening. She scurries to her feet.

“You were always such a smug bitch.” Humor replaces the glare in her eyes. “I win Svetlana. I beat you. I bested the great Widowmaker. You are too late.” She says smugly.

It takes seconds longer than it should for her words to register.

Too late.

No, I would know. I would feel it. I would feel it, I know I would. She has to be lying. Looking into her eyes, I don’t see deception, only the bitter truth. My heart rate speeds up, feeling as if it is going to burst out of my chest.

“No.” my voice horse with disbelief.

Taking advantage of my disorientation. She comes at me, fist flying, catching in my jaw and the side of my head.

“Yes,” she cackles as she continues to rain down blow after blow.

“No.” Anger surges through me as I block her next strike.

“No, you fucking bitch. You are lying.” I yell.

Fury surges through me. I lunge forward, wrapping my hands around her neck. I kick at her knees, causing her to crumble to the ground with a shout. I follow her down and land straddling her waist. My hands remain around her neck as I choke the bitch for everything she has done. She attempts to scratch at my hands with one of hers as the other lays at her side at an odd angle.

“You fucking bitch! Your mother should have swallowed you. I’m going to enjoy watching the life drain from your eyes, Julia Cleruch.” I say, my hands tightening around her neck as she tries to buck me off of her, but her strength is waning. I lean forward, my lips close to her ear. She can feel each breath I take.

“This is such a fitting end for you,” I whisper. “Your failure surrounds you.” And then something clicks. My smile widens as I let up just enough to keep her with me.

“Oh, did someone forget to tell you? Marlo’s magic is bound to her bones, you were never going to get her powers.” When Julia’s eyes widen, as I cackle.

“So no bitch, you didn’t win. You were never going to win.”

My eyes never leave hers as they flutter. I smile down at her. Knowing that she can never hurt anyone else, this power-hungry scheme will end with her.

