Page 48 of Finding Forgiveness

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“Mother, what in the actual fucking is happening right now?”

More voices ring out around me. My chin goes to my chest and tears fall.

A hand comes to my shoulder.

“Pretty sure, the crazy bitch is deader than 80s brows,” Bellamy says her voice is like music to my ears.

I turn my head, and my eyes connect with my daughter as she smiles down at me. Releasing the neck of the dead bitch whose death was too kind and too quick. I pull my girl into my arms and bury my face in her neck, breathing her in. My heart rate slows, feeling her in my arms. I lift my head, my eyes widen when they connect with Sin.


Bellamy squeezes me, not letting me go, when I try to pull away from her to go to my youngest.

“Yep, that was my exact thought when I saw my little sister. Lucy has a whole lot of splainin’ to do, but not now mamma.” Bellamy pulls away from me and looks around.

“Mamma, where are Taz, Pops, and the rest of the biker brigade? Cause I know good and damn well Pops wasn’t letting you come here on your own.” The worry in her voice has me releasing a breath and pulling away from her fully, looking into her eyes. I smile at my girl. Something in that must calm her nerves because she releases a breath.

My hand trails from around Bellamy and goes down to her hand. I hold out the other to my girl, Sin, giving her a soft smile. My eyes trail past Sin, noticing a group of girls huddled at the mouth of the mausoleum. The crows are gone. One of the girls steps out, and she looks fierce as hell and ready to commit murder, and I smile. That must be Dianne.

I shake my head. Sin comes over and grabs my hand. She gives me a smile, but there is a guilt in her eyes. Now is not the time. I give her a nod. My eyes narrow, letting her know with my mom glare that she is going to tell me every damn thing.




I can’t believe it took us twenty years to get here. For me to have the love of my life, in my life, in my arms, and in my bed wearing my ring. It may have taken some time and a lot of senseless bloodshed, to get us here, but I wouldn’t change a single fucking thing.

Waking up after the witches did their witchy-woo shit, that was necessary and for the greater good. I was pissed, missing out on seeing the bitch take her last breath for what she did to my family. I wasn’t listening when Selvy tried to explain what they did. All I wanted to do was get as far away from that crazy shit as possible. And never ever see another damn other again in my lifetime. I mean well… okay, a few of them were cool. Despite that, it’s going to take me a minute to want to have an experience like that shit again.

All I know is that what they did stopped whatever Julia was doing, knocking everyone except my woman and Julia out cold. My woman, being the badass, choked the life out of the crazy bitch and saved the day. My woman and girls were safe, and relatively unharmed, as were all the other girls and women who’d been kidnapped. So I call it a win.

Princess wasn’t the only one who had been brutalized by the men holding her. And she wasn’t the worst. Not discounting what she’d gone through. I think my girl is stronger than she gives herself credit for. Rocket and Vex had been adamant about sticking to her like glue. If she is anywhere, you only have to look left or right to see one of them hovering. Of course, she acts like it pisses her off, but I see the secret smile she hides while they cater to her. Yeah, my girl will be alright. As will the prospect who had been protecting her, had his ass kicked and had been in the hospital, broken arm and leg. He should come home in the next few weeks once his other injuries heal up a little more.

I take a drink from my beer as I look around the room. My life is full. My family is happy… My thoughts stall when I see my son Bull sitting in the corner glaring at the club girl sucking him off. I still haven’t been able to get him to talk to me about what he asked me. He’s been pissed as fuck, snapping at everyone and living up to his name since we got back home. He won’t talk to any of us about it. And I’m going to have to do something soon because this shit can’t keep going on.

Sin refused to come back with us to the club. When I asked my woman why, she said she had to work some shit out. She was the only one not there when we all woke up. Her grandfather had already spirited her away as soon as his eyes were open and he was aware enough. Other than phone calls here and there. She didn’t sound like she had any plans to come home anytime soon.

Two days after getting home, I was in for the shock of my life when my woman wrapped her arms around me, handing me a piece of paper that looked like one of those weird-ass psychology what’s this look like pictures.

Yep, at my big damn age, I’m going to be a daddy, who chases their kid around while pushing a walker.

Well, shit.

Fucking Bellamy. That image is going to be stuck in my head for fucking forever.


A week later

I’d just woken up after a few hours of rest. I have no fucking clue what time it is. It is early. The sun is barely peeking through the blinds. But I don’t give a fuck about anything as I hold my woman to me. My hand rests on her still-flat stomach. I smile into her neck. Finding out about the bean shouldn’t have been as shocking as it was. Our kids have given us hell about us having a kid younger than our grandkids. I don’t give a fuck. I knew what I was doing, taking my woman bare, knowing she wasn’t protected. My smile gets wider, as my dick hardens as it calls out for my woman’s delectable pussy.

I pull her leg across my thigh as my dick slides between her legs. Savvy moans when I slide between her folds. The hand I was cupping her stomach with trails up to her breast, which had gotten sensitive over the last few days. I’ve made her cum just by playing with her nipples a few times. My other hand slides down to cup her sex. My thumb strokes her clit. It doesn’t take long for her to wake and work her dripping pussy over my hard cock. I’m damn near ready to come, and I haven’t even been inside her yet.

I shift my hips, my tip probing her entrance as I pinch and play with her nipples and her clit. As soon as I enter her, she cums, coating and squeezing my cock for dear fucking life. I damn near pass the fuck out trying to hold back from releasing inside of her.

Rubbing her hard, tight little bud prolonged her release, only serving to torture me further. Savvy writhes, cries out and shakes as her release drags out. She begs me not to stop and then to keep going. My hips slide in and out of her leisurely as I continue to play with her. When it becomes too much, she begins to beg and plead with me to stop because she doesn’t think she could cum again. I do. I needed her to, and I’m not stopping until she does.
