Page 115 of Corrupted

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“You’re foul! Why would you say such things? After all we’ve shared, how can you be so cruel?” I pushed Caedryn—my light flared out and slammed into his chest.

Caedryn stumbled backward but kept his footing. “You want to play games with me?”

A throbbing began under his skin. Immense pressure. A storm rose inside him. His eyes dimmed. Not used to his dark power, I huffed while my body cramped.

His arm lifted, and my throat constricted as Caedryn turned his power on me. I fell to my knees, nearly overcome by the darkness that crept around my vision.

No! You’ll not harm me! I threw my light into my extremities and launched to my feet. A starburst of energy lashed Caedryn and broke his hold on my neck. I buckled over, gasping. Caedryn had fallen against the far wall.

With only a moment to spare and in my desperation, I reacted. I didn’t know if what Kenrik suggested would work. I couldn’t believe he even suggested living without my light. What would happen? Severing the bond with Caedryn would take all my light. How might that feel to a Daughter of Light?

But I could heal Kenrik and free myself with one move. I whipped back to him and tumbled to the stone floor beside him. Deian, forgive me. I pulled the orb from my chest, as simple as reaching for an item on a high shelf. After one final tug, my fingers slipped around the ball and pulled it into my hands.

My chest was barren.

I smashed the light into Kenrik. His body tensed, and he screamed.

I failed to think about the repercussions for Kenrik.

“What did you do, Niawen?” Caedryn clawed forward, seized my shirt, and thrust me onto the floor. “How could you give him your light?”

Kenrik’s wails ripped my soul open.

I’ve killed him!

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Caedryn hissed, “but you leave me no choice.” He climbed onto me and straddled my midsection.

“Get off me!” I thrashed beneath him, powerless without my light. Soon a crushing pressure pinned me. His cold hands clamped over my wrists.

I couldn’t fight. I had no fight left. I gave it away with my light. Master of Light, please save Kenrik.

I couldn’t sense him. His feelings were unreadable as his cries filled the chamber, but I didn’t have to read them. Kenrik was suffering. The whole of my light inside a mortal—I could only imagine his burning.

“Niawen!” Kenrik rasped.

No, no, no. I squeezed my eyes shut.

A glow filled the room. I couldn’t open my eyes if I wanted to. A sensation of pressure intensified all over my body. I had the sickening sense Caedryn was forcing his darkness inside me. I was void of my light, so what did it matter? I slackened, sinking back, and embraced the cold as it inched its way over me.

He spat his words into my ear. “You are mine. If light can’t bind us, darkness will!”

I had been frozen by every fear in my life, but the fear of being bound to Caedryn through the darkness was the worst of all. The ugly sludge would bring an unrest I couldn’t be free of. I’d never have forgiveness for accepting the darkness. I’d never be washed from the guilt of my indiscretions while at Caedryn’s side. I’d be dirty forever.

I didn’t want any of that. Caedryn’s darkness might fill me up, but this power wasn’t for me.

“Daughter of Darkness. Fallen Emrys,” Caedryn purred.

“I. Am. A. Daughter. Of. Light!”

“What did you think would happen as you gave yourself to me?” Caedryn roared. “You would have turned to the darkness eventually. Embrace it.”

“It’s not possible. I am light!”

“You were light.”

My light was gone. I felt nothing. I was unable to discern anything. I had truly given all my light to Kenrik.

That meant I was scrubbed free of Caedryn.
