Page 54 of Corrupted

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“I hope that’s the sedative talking. His shoulder was dislocated. I had to heal him first.”

“You love him. I shouldn’t have bothered.”

“Don’t cross me before I heal your face. I might leave your nose crooked. And don’t guess at my feelings. You don’t know how I feel about Kelyn.”

Kenrik leaned his head back. “Please, my lady, do your worst.”

I scowled at him but closed my eyes and dove with my light. Kelyn had really disfigured Kenrik’s nose. What would Kenrik have done without me? I placed one hand on his forehead to dull the throbbing and gingerly touched the bridge of his nose with two fingers and my thumb. The healing took much longer than mending Kelyn’s shoulder. I grew weary and dropped onto the chaise beside Kenrik.

His hands encircled my waist as he pulled me closer to the center of the cushion—closer to him. He scooted over to make room for me.

“Hold still,” I said. “If I slip up, the results won’t be pretty.”

“You’re teasing me. You wouldn’t mess up a face this handsome.”

I rolled my eyes. “There. All done.”

He ran a finger down the bridge of his nose. He massaged either side of his nostrils and felt his eye.

“Can you see me?” I asked.

“Yes. I see your beautiful emerald eyes. Your pouty lips.” Kenrik brushed a lock of hair off his sweaty forehead.

“Oh, good. What are they telling you?”

“That I’m in big trouble.” He touched my cheek.

I pulled his hands away and stood. I wasn’t used to Kenrik’s intimate touch. “You need to sleep the tea off.”

“I’m fine.” Kenrik whipped himself upright on the chaise and planted his feet on the floor. He hunched over, obviously regretting his sudden movement.

“I can’t talk to you like this.” I didn’t want to talk to him about us. I didn’t want to hurt him.

“Say what you have to say. Put me out of my misery.”

“You’re so sure I’ll relieve you of your misery?”

He gazed up at me. “Or drag me further into it. Which is it?”

I studied his penetrating eyes before I spoke my answer. “Kenrik, this won’t work. You should accept Tiwlip.”

“Why would you say that?” He rose, wobbling, but caught himself on the chaise’s back. “You know I can’t. That’s over and done with. She’ll heal.”

“You’ll marry someone else, then.”

“My father can’t make me marry anyone.”

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. “You are stubborn.”

“Does my happiness concern you so much? If you’re marrying Kelyn, then why should you care whom I marry?”

I flung my arms wide. “I’m not marrying Kelyn!”

I’m not? I just found my answer.

“You’re not?” Kenrik asked.

This was out of hand. “I didn’t come to the mortal realms to marry anyone. I didn’t expect humans to fall all over me.” Nor two princes to fight for me.
