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“Look, you being here, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

“I’m only here to help out. I promise. Simon told me that it was hard and I know how to babysit. I can help you, and I can be a sounding board for Simon. He’s hurting too and I think I can be of better use to him while you’re dealing with Lexie.”

Devil ran his fingers through his hair. “Your dad has told me you’ve gotten into fights at school.”

She licked her lips, nerves getting to her. “None of those have actually been proven.”

“Two clubs fighting for dominance and to prove which one has the biggest balls. It’s not the same here. There aren’t two clubs. This town, Simon’s school, is filled with a bunch of rich kids. Your fists won’t be appreciated here.”

“Devil, I only fight when I have to. For the longest time, I couldn’t stand fighting. I don’t do it for fun.”

“What’s the Quad?” he asked.

She winced. “Okay, it’s still not for fun.”

His brow went up.

“Simon does the exact same thing.”

“You’re avoiding.”

“I’m not avoiding. I’m being, fine. Look, me and the guys know that we have a certain reputation to uphold. When we were in our happily separated towns with no interference, it was all fine. The Dogs go to the Quad. If we didn’t turn up, it would look like we were cowards and we’re not. We’re fighters, through and through. The club will be in our hands one day. It’s why we fight. Why I changed my mind and started to learn how to fight. It’s not easy going up against people like that, you know?”

Devil kept on staring at her. “You don’t enjoy it?”

“I’ve learned to just deal with it. Isn’t that what most people do when they’ve got to do stuff that is expected of them? I’m a Skulls’ kid. All of the trouble that’s about to come our way because of me and Simon, put it aside. I’ve got to do what I can for the club,” she said.

“You know, I sometimes forget you kids are only teenagers.”

“We’ve all been through a lot. We’re fighters. You can’t take that away from us. We will do whatever we have to for the club. No questions asked.”

“Then so long as you understand that I don’t expect any fighting or trouble, you can stay. I have ground rules.”

“I’m listening.”

“No sex!” Devil snapped the words out.

“I can guarantee that.”

“I was sixteen once. I know how this works.”

“Clearly you don’t know how Simon and I work. He knows I’m not ready and he’s the perfect gentleman. Believe me, when I ask him to stop, he stops.” Her face was going to be on fire by the time this was done.


“I don’t want you sleeping in his room,” he said.

“What if he’s upset?”

“No sleeping. Closeness and him being sad, I don’t want you sleeping with my son out of pity.”

“This is embarrassing.”

“I was a boy once.”

“And you keep saying that. It doesn’t mean you can keep on telling me how this is going to be based on your experience, which was a completely different time. It’s not right. Simon is not you, and I’m not some random sixteen-year-old girl. We’re not that kind of couple.” She put her hand to her chest, hoping he would realize that.

Devil took a deep breath.

“Please don’t kill me,” she said.

“I’m not going to kill you. It would start a war and Lash and I have a good relationship at best. Look, I just don’t think I can handle whatever kid drama you can get yourself into. One step out of line, you’re back with your parents, got it?”

“I’m only here to help out. Nothing bad, I promise.”

“Fine. Go. I’m sure Simon’s wearing out the carpet in your room.”

She got to her feet. “Do I need to shake your hand?”

“Go!” Again, he snapped the word.

She left his office and went straight to her bedroom where, sure enough, Simon was there, pacing.

“You’re okay?” he asked, pulling her into his arms.

“I’m fine.”

“He didn’t harm you?”

“He’s not that bad. He’s got a lot on his plate right now with your mom. He wants to make sure we keep it in our pants.” She giggled. “What is it with our parents and thinking the moment we’re together, we’re having sex?”

“Because of our ages.”

“I know a lot of people are having sex, like a lot, but I don’t know, I mean, one day, I’m going to want to, but right now, I enjoy being with you.”

He ran his hands down her arms, his touch setting her on fire. Even though she wanted to have sex to get it over with, and so she could have a reason to listen to their parents’ warning, she wasn’t ready.

“I enjoy being with you as well.” He kissed her lips. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
