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I pushed against his chest, but he was unmoving. “No. I wouldn’t.”

A low chuckle rumbled out of him, and then he whispered by my ear, “Liar.”



“ON THE COUNT of three, everyone grab a couple of pizza boxes and run out.” Levi crouched by the door, ready to bust it wide as the Escalade slowed to a stop in front of the long line of fans waiting in front of Marvel Stadium. It looked like even more had lined up since we’d left the radio show, stopping only to scoop up a shit-ton of pizza, which Levi had ordered after my suggestion.

Slade rubbed his hands together. “They’re gonna freak. Let’s do this.”

“Nice one,” Jagger said, slapping his hand on my shoulder as we all waited for Levi’s count.

“One, two…” Levi opened the door and jumped out. “Three.”

One by one we each grabbed a few boxes, and as soon as the crowd spotted Halo emerging first, the screaming began. We had a couple of security guys with us, but since the fans were already behind a barricade, we weren’t overly worried about our drop-by.

With my hands full, I stepped out of the SUV, where Levi stood, holding the door open. When we were eye to eye, I inclined my head toward the crowd. “So if I get a proposal, should I say yes?”

“You could, but that’d be hell for me.”

“Oh yeah? You finally admitting you feel something for me, Levi?”

“I’m just sayin’ it’d be hell to spin.” He slapped me on the back, pushing me forward. “Go use some of that charm on them.”

Ugh. Smug fucker.

The rest of the guys were all spread down the line, passing out pizza and stopping for selfies by the time I got to the crowd.

“Surprise,” I said, handing one of the boxes over the barricade. “Thought you lovely ladies might be hungry.”

“Oh my God!”

“Killian, we love you!”

“Can I have a hug? Pleeeease?”

“Look this way, Killian!”

Hands grasped at my shirt, my attention being pulled in a dozen different ways, and once I handed off all the pizza, I started down the line, grabbing their phones for selfies and saying hi to their friends on FaceTime. The sheer amount of enthusiasm aimed our way was incredible, something I no longer took for granted. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that we’d been booed off stage, hitting rock bottom and forced to come up with a way to keep making music. That Fallen Angel had risen from the ashes of TBD still shocked the hell out of me, and every night we got to perform on tour had me almost falling to my knees in gratitude.

Shit, the least we could do is give them pizza and an hour of our time.

As I moved down the line, one of the girls looked familiar, and when I saw the sign lying behind her, I chuckled. “What’s your name?”

“Bronwyn,” she said, blushing fiercely.

“Yo, Jagger,” I called out, and when he looked my way, I nodded toward her. “Bronwyn here has something she wants to ask you.”

“Oh yeah?” He held up a finger to the fans he was talking to and jogged down to where Bronwyn’s face had turned full-on tomato red. Ever the charmer, Jagger took her hand and kissed it. “You have a question for me, Bronwyn?”

She stuttered under the full attention Jagger aimed her way as one of her friends grabbed the sign and shoved it in her free hand. Jagger took one look at it, and then his pearly whites were on full display.

“M-m-marry me, Jagger,” Bronwyn finally managed before flinging her arms around his neck and pulling him in close. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of our bodyguards heading toward them, but Jagger seemed to be holding his own, so I put a hand up so the bodyguard wouldn’t interfere.

Jagger leaned in to Bronwyn and whispered something in her ear, causing the girl’s eyes to go swoony, and then he planted a kiss on her cheek and headed back to where he’d been before I called him over.

“So? What’d he say?” I asked.

Bronwyn shook her head and pretended to zip her lips.

“Hold on a second, I should get some damn credit for this,” I said, feigning annoyance. “I mean, you two could get married because of me. You’re welcome.”

The girls all laughed, and I moved on down the line, and as my eyes drifted over the sea of people, they locked on to Viper, who was busy signing and smiling with fans, but was also standing close enough to Halo that I knew he was watching to make sure no one got too close—no one touched what was his.

A little closer to me were Jagger and Slade, and as I watched the two of them play off one another to the crowd, who ate it up, I realized that I was the only one standing here amongst hundreds of fans…alone.
