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I tossed my hair over my shoulder, and turned away from him so my back was to him.

“Cheater,” he said.

“There aren’t any rules that I was made aware of,” I said.

“That’s okay, I have a certain fondness for your ass.”

Laughing, I peeked over my shoulder as I hooked a finger in the waistband of my panties and pulled them down. “Not sure why I brought these anyway. They never stay on.”

“What’s the fun in keeping them on?”

“Right,” I said. “That’s why I brought them. To tease you.”

“And a damn fine job you’re doing. Turn around, please.”

His hand was still leisurely stroking his cock when I turned to face him. “My, my,” I said. “Is that for me?”

“Any way you want it.”

I walked over to him, making sure to sway my hips just so. I stopped in front of him and slowly dropped to my knees. “In that case, the first thing I’m going to do is lick the head of your cock to taste you. Then I’m going to pull you to the end of the couch and suck you into my mouth, as far as I can.”

“Sounds like my kind of plan.”

“I thought you’d approve.” I took his hands and placed them on his upper thighs. “While I enjoy the taste and feel of you in my mouth and you know I love to suck you until you can’t help but lose yourself down my throat, I’m warning you now that I won’t be

quite ready for you to come just yet.”

“I had a feeling that would be the case.”

“Yes, you’re a very smart man and you know me very, very well.” I kissed the still clothed part of his knee. “Right when you’re getting ready to come, I’ll stand up and straddle you. But before I move any closer, I’ll ask you to check my pussy to make sure I’m wet enough for your cock. Matter of fact, let me check right now.” I ran a finger between my legs and held it to his lips. “What do you think?”

He groaned, but took my finger inside his mouth and gave a gentle suck. “Almost, but not quite.”

“When you check me then, you’ll have to be very thorough.”

“I’ll double and triple check.”

“Good, because you could really hurt someone with that thing if you weren’t careful.”

He gave a half snort, half grunt.

“And then, only when you say I’m ready, I’ll lower myself down onto your waiting cock. Going slowly, to make sure I’m as ready and prepared as you said I was.” I closed my eyes and could almost feel him at my entrance. “You feel so big and thick pushing inside me that I wonder, just for a minute, if I can take all of you. But then you take me by the hips and force yourself inside with one hard push.”

“Fuck, Abby.”

“I gasp at the sensation of having you buried so deep inside me, but you decide to take over and you hold my hips still and you thrust up and into me over and over. And you’re fucking me as hard and as fast and as deep as you can and I’m locked in place above you, only able to close my eyes and take that massive dick pounding into my body.”

“I’m getting ready to show you just how hard and fast and deep this massive dick can pound that dirty talking body.”

I loved it when I drove him to the edge, so with a wicked smile, I continued. “It feels so good and I whisper in your ear, ‘Harder, I need it harder.’ So you slow your thrusts down a bit, but only so you can control them better and make sure you’re fucking me with as much force as you possibly can.”

“Going to do you so fucking hard.”

“And then I feel my orgasm approach and you reach between our bodies and rub my clit and I can’t hold my release at bay anymore and I come hard right as you push one last time and come with a roar.”

I was weak with desire and so aroused I feared a mere touch would set me off. Nathaniel probably felt about the same: his hands were back on his cock and he was breathing a bit heavier than normal. It took all my strength to turn from him and say, “I think I’ll finish my hot chocolate now.”

My hand hadn’t reached for the mug before I was on my back on the rug with Nathaniel looming over me. Somehow, he’d managed to lose his pants. “Damn hot chocolate can wait. I have to be inside you right the fuck now.”

He pushed into me with one solid thrust and didn’t wait before he starting moving his hips, rocking deep inside me.

“Going to come this time hard and fast,” he said as he kept pounding into me. “Then we’re going to go upstairs and reenact that little scenario you just described.” He was silent for several seconds, working himself in and out of my body. “I may decide to take a dinner break, because we’ll need to regain our strength for after dinner.”

My climax was hard and swift, building and cresting almost at the same time, and leaving me breathless, after. Nathaniel’s must have been the same, because by the time my breathing returned to normal, he was rolling to his back, dragging me to rest on top of him.

“What happens after dinner?” I asked, propping myself up on his chest and running a finger around his nipple.

He took my hand and kissed each finger, one at a time. “After dinner is when I gather you to my side and kiss every inch of your body. And in the second before my lips touch your skin, I’ll whisper so softly you won’t be able to hear, nonsensical things that only our souls understand.”

I lowered my head to his and our lips came together in a gentle kiss. A stark contrast to the urgent and demanding way our bodies had come together moments before.

“I like the thought of that,” I said, pulling back slightly.

He tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. “Which part?”

“About our souls understanding each other.”

“My soul understood yours the very first time I saw you. It called to yours softly saying, ‘One day we will be complete in each other.’”

I smiled, liking the idea of some part of our inner being recognizing the other. “And what did my soul say?”

“It said, ‘Boy, you’ve got a lot of growing up to do.’”

I hid my smile in the crook of his neck. “It did not.”

“Oh, yes it did. And mine said, ‘I’ll work hard to make myself worthy of you.’ And somehow, deep inside, both of our souls knew that our journey wouldn’t be the easiest, but that one day we’d have a night like this when everything finally came together. A moment just like this when everything is right.”

I placed a hand on his heart, as my own chest swelled with emotion. “My soul is complete in you.”

“And mine,” he said, placing his hand over mine, “has finally found its home.”

Read on for an exciting look at the fourth book in Tara Sue Me’s Submissive series


Available in April 2015 from Headline Eternal

There were times I felt I only came alive at night. When the world was quiet around me and the kids were asleep and for a few precious hours there was nothing but me and Nathaniel. Those sacred nights had become more and more infrequent lately, as there always seemed to be something else to do, but I often thought I could survive on the anticipation alone.

I checked in the bathroom mirror to make sure my face didn’t reflect the day’s stress. Satisfied, I pulled my hair out of the ponytail it’d been in all day and brushed it until it fell soft and loose around my shoulders. I threw the yoga pants and T-shirt I’d been wearing into the hamper. Before heading into the bedroom, I took the body lotion Nathaniel once said smelled like sin wrapped in silk and ran it over my arms and legs. I rummaged through my lingerie drawer and finally settled on a long, opaque nightgown. Silver, of course, since that was his favorite color on me.

Most nights I didn’t take so long getting ready for bed, but tonight was different. When he’d gotten home, we’d chatted briefly before our two kids interrupted us. I’d swallowed a laugh as four-year-old Elizabeth expressed her grief at not finding the purple crayon she insisted she had to have for the castle she was coloring. Not to be outdone, our eighteen-month-old son, Henry, kept his arms uplifted and repeated, “Dada! Dada! Dada!” until Nathaniel swept him into the air.

The room was filled with Henry’s delighted shrieks. At least it was until Nathaniel caught a whiff of something.

“Again?” I asked. “I just changed him less than an hour ago.”

“Has to be the antibiotics,” Nathaniel said, which was probably true. Henry was desperately trying to get rid of recurrent ear infections, but the medication upset his stomach. “Come on, big guy, let’s get you changed.” As they walked away, he looked over his shoulder. “We need to talk later, Abigail.”


The last word of his sentence stopped me in my tracks, lit my body with desire, and echoed in my brain throughout dinner, baths, and bedtime. No doubt, just like he knew it would. When he called me Abigail, it didn’t matter that I only wore his collar once a month or that sex was otherwise often hurried and infrequent. With just one word, my husband became my Master. And my body didn’t only respond, it begged for his dominance. Just thinking about the way he said it, in a tone of voice that managed to sound so matter-of-fact and commanding at the same time, sent shivers up and down my spine.

I walked down the stairs and found Nathaniel in the living
